Powered by HTML5 and JS, this 2D game is a simple game. Click here for live demo. Have fun.
- You can jump and down.
- Elon.png, dogeCoin.png, background.png was drawn by me.
- If you won game, dogeCoin go to moon.
Elon Musk2077 uses a projects to work properly:
- [JavaScript] --> A Dynamic Programming Language
- [HTML5] --> Hypertext Markup Language
This game requires Web Browser.
The project does not require a pre-installation. You can follow these steps to access the project files and run them on your local computer.
After clicking the green button with Code on the right top of the repo, you can click on the Download ZIP tab.
For production environments...
You can clone the repo with this code : gh repo clone sefaenesergin.github.io
The project consists of two folders (pictures, sounds) and 3 files. The images used in the game content are included in the images folder. The sounds folder contains the sound effects in the game. For those who want to work on or develop the project, the information about why certain functions and classes in the source code are used and their content are listed below :
class Player:
Elon Musk was here.
class Obstacles:
Enemy coins place here.
class Text:
Text place was here.
function Start():
This function will be start game.
function Update():
This function update all other functions and objects.
function SpawnObstacle():
This function create enemy coins.
function RandomIntInRange():
This function gıve random place.
Sefa Enes ERGIN Click my linkedIn profile 09.05.2021 Antalya, Turkey.
Free Software for Everyone!