Using TWILLIO API – POST a message to your site.
- Use the discount code in the slide lectures for a $30 credit.
###OPTION 1: Implement [one] Step by Step an OAuth Token exchange.
- AND Make at least 2 endpoint requests. Display the results down a long page.
###OPTION 2: Choose, choose a public Web Service API {Twillio, Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, Google, etc } and write a page that will query the API and return results on your page.
- Parse XML, JSON or ?? Objects
- Recompile results into
- Image / Book Cover / Video Thumbnail
- Description
- Plus something else
- Tags
- GeoCode info
- Other?
- Parse and contain results on your application page.
- Fork this Repo, submit pull request to turn in
- Include in the Repo a Description /Documentation of what you did.