Blockchain implementation based on apache cassandra distributed database. We implemented all consensus based on cassandra cluster with scala language
docker run -d -p 9160:9160 -p 9042:9042 erangaeb/cassandra:0.2
# command
cqlsh <docker host> 9042 --cqlversion="3.4.4"
# example
cqlsh localhost 9042 --cqlversion="3.4.4"
CREATE KEYSPACE zchain WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}
CREATE TYPE transaction (
bank_id TEXT,
id UUID,
from_acc TEXT,
to_acc TEXT,
amount INT,
timestamp BIGINT
CREATE TYPE signature (
bank_id TEXT,
digsig TEXT
CREATE TYPE balance (
bank_id TEXT,
t_in INT,
t_out INT
CREATE TABLE zchain.transactions (
bank_id TEXT,
id UUID,
from_acc TEXT,
to_acc TEXT,
amount INT,
timestamp BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY(bank_id, id)
CREATE TABLE zchain.blocks (
bank_id TEXT,
id UUID,
hash TEXT,
transactions SET<frozen <transaction>>,
balances SET<frozen <balance>>,
signatures SET<frozen <signature>>,
timestamp BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY(bank_id, id)
CREATE TABLE zchain.keys (
bank_id TEXT,
id UUID,
transactions SET<frozen <transaction>>,
signatures SET<frozen <signature>>,
timestamp BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY(bank_id, id)
CREATE CUSTOM INDEX transactions_index ON transactions ()
USING 'com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.Index'
'refresh_seconds': '1',
'schema': '{
fields: {
"bank_id": {type: "string"},
"from_acc": {type: "string"},
"to_acc": {type: "string"}
SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE expr(transactions_index, '{
filter: [
{type: "wildcard", field:"bank_id", value:"sampath"},
{type: "wildcard", field:"from_acc", value:"*"},
{type: "wildcard", field:"to_acc", value:"*"}
Run via docker compose