Java bindings for qless.
To depend on this:
A Vagrantfile
is provided to bring up a development environment. With
vagrant installed, you can simply:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
# On the vagrant machine
mvn clean test
This is released to maven central repository, using the process described here. Once all the requisite details are in order, simply:
mvn deploy
With your GPG keypair generated, you'll need to upload it to the relevant servers:
gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <ID>
Beyond the requirements listed by
Sonatype, on your
vagrant machine, follow
these steps
to store your Sonatype JIRA password in your settings. Do so by first
creating a master password and then a server password. NOTE that symbolic
links ~/.m2/security-settings.xml -> security-settings.xml
~/.m2/settings.xml -> settings.xml
have been provided so that you can
destroy / create your vagrant instance without losing this configuration.