This repository contains my personal configuration for the
Lenovo Y520-15IKBN (Legion) Type 80WK
I use on the daily as
a secondary workstation.
This repository holds the following configurations:
- Linux Kernel Configuration
- Linux Kernel Modules
- Gentoo Portage Configuration
- GRUB Configuration
- Systemd
- Wayland
- Sway (I hold its configuration in a dedicated git repo)
- Pipewire
There are some logs in the var/logs/
directory I keep for historical reasons
and debugging purposes:
- dmesg - The Kernel ring buffer
- libinput - List of all input devices with their default configuration options
- lsmod - The status of loaded modules
- lspci - List of all PCI devices
- lsusb - List of USB devices
- lsinput - List of all input devices returned by
lsinput -v
- i2cdetect - List all available I2C busses returned by
i2cdetect -l
- rfkill - List of all available wireless devices
- aplay - List all soundcards and digital audio devices found by
aplay -l
Other projects I also support from time to time are:
- GNU Emacs configuration: My personal configuration for GNU Emacs
- Dotfiles: All my dotfiles that I port around from system to system with me
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. For more see LICENSE file.