feat(provider): add SQLite sink support #124
GitHub Actions / JS - Tests
Oct 5, 2024 in 1s
176 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✔️ src/Serilog.Ui.Web/src/reports/test-junit-report.xml
176 tests were completed in 44s with 176 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✔️ tests/App.spec.tsx
✔️ App > renders null without route prefix
✔️ App > renders main app
✔️ App > routes > sends to base routes
✔️ App > routes > sends to unauthorized route
✔️ App > routes > sends to error route on not found route
✔️ tests/components/Authorization/AuthorizeButton.spec.tsx
✔️ AuthorizeButton > renders null on custom authtype
✔️ AuthorizeButton > renders button with Basic modal
✔️ AuthorizeButton > renders button with JWT modal
✔️ tests/components/Authorization/BasicModal.spec.tsx
✔️ Basic Modal > renders without saved info
✔️ Basic Modal > renders with storage session info
✔️ Basic Modal > updates inputs, without saving them to the session storage
✔️ Basic Modal > saves inputs value to the session storage
✔️ Basic Modal > resets saved input and clears them from the session storage
✔️ tests/components/Authorization/JwtModal.spec.tsx
✔️ Jwt Modal > renders without saved info
✔️ Jwt Modal > renders with storage session info
✔️ Jwt Modal > updates inputs, without saving them to the session storage
✔️ Jwt Modal > saves inputs value to the session storage
✔️ Jwt Modal > resets saved input and clears them from the session storage
✔️ tests/components/ErrorPage.spec.tsx
✔️ ErrorPage > renders unexpected error
✔️ ErrorPage > renders route error response
✔️ tests/components/HomePageNotAuthorized.spec.tsx
✔️ HomePageNotAuthorized > renders navigate component if block home is false
✔️ HomePageNotAuthorized > renders navigate component if authenticated from access denied is true
✔️ HomePageNotAuthorized > renders unauthorized component if block from access is true and authenticated is false
✔️ tests/components/Index.spec.tsx
✔️ Index > renders
✔️ Index > not renders main app
✔️ tests/components/Search/Paging.spec.tsx
✔️ Paging > renders correctly
✔️ tests/components/Search/PagingLeftColumn.spec.tsx
✔️ Paging > renders correctly
✔️ Paging > changes entries per page value
✔️ Paging > changes sort on value
✔️ Paging > changes sort by value
✔️ Paging > disables the sort on field
✔️ tests/components/Search/PagingRightColumn.spec.tsx
✔️ PagingRightColumn > renders correctly with no data
✔️ PagingRightColumn > renders pagination correctly
✔️ PagingRightColumn > calls onChange on pagination button click
✔️ PagingRightColumn > calls onChange when changing page in the modal
✔️ tests/components/Search/Search.spec.tsx
✔️ Search > renders correctly
✔️ Search > fetch with selected table
✔️ Search > fetch with selected level
✔️ Search > fetch with selected text search
✔️ Search > fetch with selected start date
✔️ Search > fetch with selected end date
✔️ Search > clean inputs
✔️ tests/components/ShellStructure/BrandBadge.spec.tsx
✔️ BrandBadge > renders
✔️ BrandBadge > not render if flag is false
✔️ tests/components/ShellStructure/FilterButton.spec.tsx
✔️ FilterButton > renders
✔️ FilterButton > clears search state and refetch data
✔️ FilterButton > closes modal on resize
✔️ tests/components/ShellStructure/Header.spec.tsx
✔️ Header > renders
✔️ tests/components/ShellStructure/HeaderActivity.spec.tsx
✔️ HeaderActivity > renders
✔️ tests/components/ShellStructure/Sidebar.spec.tsx
✔️ Sidebar > renders
✔️ tests/components/Table/CodeContent.spec.tsx
✔️ CodeContent > renders
✔️ tests/components/Table/DetailsModal.spec.tsx
✔️ DetailsModal > renders
✔️ DetailsModal > opens and close details modal with content
✔️ tests/components/Table/PropertiesModal.spec.tsx
✔️ PropertiesModal > renders
✔️ PropertiesModal > opens and close properties modal
✔️ PropertiesModal > show additional column: boolean
✔️ PropertiesModal > show additional column: dates
✔️ PropertiesModal > show additional column: code
✔️ PropertiesModal > show additional column: text (default)
✔️ PropertiesModal > not show properties column even if available in log, if column is removed
✔️ tests/components/Table/SerilogResults.spec.tsx
✔️ SerilogResults > renders
✔️ tests/components/Table/SerilogResultsMobile.spec.tsx
✔️ SerilogResultsMobile > renders
✔️ SerilogResultsMobile > renders with data
✔️ tests/components/Util/Copy.spec.tsx
✔️ Copy > renders
✔️ tests/hooks/useAuthProperties.spec.ts
✔️ useAuthProperties > renders with default values
✔️ useAuthProperties > saves auth state and updates end properties
✔️ useAuthProperties > saves auth state and returns info on validation errors
✔️ useAuthProperties > clears auth state
✔️ tests/hooks/useCloseOnResize.spec.ts
✔️ useCloseOnResize > invokes callback on window resize
✔️ tests/hooks/useColumnsInfo.spec.ts
✔️ useColumnsInfo > renders without additional data with not found key
✔️ useColumnsInfo > finds info from table key
✔️ useColumnsInfo > remove properties column if in removedColumns array and current column is undefined
✔️ useColumnsInfo > remove properties column if in removedColumns array and current column is Properties
✔️ useColumnsInfo > returns properties column with provided code type json conversion
✔️ useColumnsInfo > returns properties column with provided code type xml conversion
✔️ useColumnsInfo > returns properties column with provided code type none conversion
✔️ tests/hooks/useException.spec.ts
✔️ useException > returns properties untouched
✔️ useException > returns string type, with modified content
✔️ tests/hooks/useJwtTimeout.spec.ts
✔️ useJwtTimeout > send error notification once on invalid jwt
✔️ useJwtTimeout > not send error notification if valid jwt
✔️ useJwtTimeout > not send error notification if auth type is not jwt
✔️ tests/hooks/useQueryAuth.spec.ts
✔️ useQueryAuth > not runs request if home is not blocked
✔️ useQueryAuth > not runs request if home is blocked but header is not ready
✔️ useQueryAuth > runs request and set false if response is not an array with element
✔️ useQueryAuth > runs request and set false if response is not an array with element
✔️ useQueryAuth > runs request and set true if response is array with element
✔️ tests/hooks/useSearchForm.spec.ts
✔️ useSearchForm > renders and sets default table key on reset
✔️ useSearchForm > renders and leaves default table key undefined, if internal query was not successful
✔️ tests/hooks/useSerilogUiProps.spec.tsx
✔️ useSerilogUiProps > decodes and sets dom-defined properties
✔️ useSerilogUiProps > sets defaults if no decodable id is found
✔️ useSerilogUiProps > sets defaults if decodable id fails parse
✔️ tests/main.spec.ts
✔️ index > loads the index page, with the expected react-app id inside
✔️ tests/queries/logs.spec.ts
✔️ queries: logs > returns fetched data, including all query parameters
✔️ queries: logs > returns default if dates are not admitted
✔️ queries: logs > returns default if request failed and send unexpected notification
✔️ queries: logs > returns default if request failed and send 403 notification
✔️ tests/queries/table-keys.spec.ts
✔️ queries: table-keys > returns fetched data
✔️ queries: table-keys > throws if request failed
✔️ queries: table-keys > throws if request failed and send unexpected notification
✔️ queries: table-keys > throws if request failed and send 403 notification
✔️ tests/util/auth.spec.ts
✔️ util: auth > clearAuth: clears all items from session storage
✔️ util: auth > getAuthKey > returns value from props
✔️ util: auth > getAuthKey > returns value from session storage, if not found in props
✔️ util: auth > getAuthKey > returns empty as fallback
✔️ util: auth > getAuthorizationHeader > returns jwt token header
✔️ util: auth > getAuthorizationHeader > returns basic header
✔️ util: auth > getAuthorizationHeader > returns empty if required properties for authorization type are not defined
✔️ util: auth > getAuthorizationHeader > returns empty as fallback
✔️ util: auth > saveAuthKey > sets value on object and in session storage
✔️ util: auth > saveAuthKey > sets value on object but not in session storage for key basic_pwd
✔️ util: auth > saveAuthKey > validates property: jwt_bearerToken
✔️ tests/util/dates.spec.ts
✔️ util: dates > returns true if unix time is after now
✔️ tests/util/guards.spec.ts
✔️ util: guards > guards is not null on null
✔️ util: guards > guards is not null on undefined
✔️ util: guards > guards is not null on test
✔️ util: guards > guards is not null on {}
✔️ util: guards > guards is not null on []
✔️ util: guards > guards is not null on 10
✔️ util: guards > guards is not null on
✔️ util: guards > guards string on null
✔️ util: guards > guards string on undefined
✔️ util: guards > guards string on 0
✔️ util: guards > guards string on 10
✔️ util: guards > guards string on true
✔️ util: guards > guards string on false
✔️ util: guards > guards string on
✔️ util: guards > guards string on test
✔️ util: guards > guards array on null
✔️ util: guards > guards array on undefined
✔️ util: guards > guards array on []
✔️ util: guards > guards array on [ +0 ]
✔️ util: guards > guards object on null
✔️ util: guards > guards object on undefined
✔️ util: guards > guards object on 0
✔️ util: guards > guards object on 10
✔️ util: guards > guards object on true
✔️ util: guards > guards object on
✔️ util: guards > guards object on test
✔️ util: guards > guards object on {}
✔️ util: guards > converts string to number or fallbacks to null
✔️ tests/util/prettyPrints.spec.ts
✔️ util: pretty prints > capitalize: value string returned as String
✔️ util: pretty prints > capitalize: value returned as
✔️ util: pretty prints > capitalize: value null returned as
✔️ util: pretty prints > capitalize: value undefined returned as
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Verbose' and scheme 'dark'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Debug' and scheme 'dark'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Information' and scheme 'dark'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Warning' and scheme 'dark'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Error' and scheme 'dark'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Fatal' and scheme 'dark'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Verbose' and scheme 'light'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Debug' and scheme 'light'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Information' and scheme 'light'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Warning' and scheme 'light'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Error' and scheme 'light'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns color for log level 'Fatal' and scheme 'light'
✔️ util: pretty prints > log level backgrounds > returns default color for unrecognized enum case
✔️ util: pretty prints > code content render > returns xml prettified
✔️ util: pretty prints > code content render > returns json prettified
✔️ util: pretty prints > code content render > returns error message if content cannot be parsed
✔️ util: pretty prints > code content render > returns content if input: [invalid]
✔️ util: pretty prints > code content render > returns content if input: [invalid]
✔️ util: pretty prints > code content render > returns content if type is not expected
✔️ util: pretty prints > date prints > print local date from iso string
✔️ util: pretty prints > date prints > print utc date from iso string
✔️ util: pretty prints > date prints > return split local date from iso string
✔️ util: pretty prints > date prints > return split utc date from iso string
✔️ util: pretty prints > convert column log type 2 to log type json
✔️ util: pretty prints > convert column log type 1 to log type xml
✔️ util: pretty prints > convert column log type 0 to log type
✔️ util: pretty prints > convert column log type some to log type
✔️ tests/util/queries.spec.ts
✔️ util: queries > determines test-dev host
✔️ util: queries > determines production host
✔️ util: queries > creates request init
✔️ util: queries > sends unauthorized notification
✔️ util: queries > send unexpected notification