Objective: Pick any site that you want and re-create the landing page (i.e. homepage) of the site using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.
Fork this repo, and clone it into your
folder on your local machine. -
Choose a site, and start by drawing a simple wireframe of its layout.
Your focus should be on re-creating the layout of the website using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. You should leverage Bootstrap's grid system and componenets. Don't worry about very specific design elements or making interactive components work on the site. This is strictly a static page intended to sharpen your front-end skills. We will get to functionality very soon!
Feel free to choose one of these example sites to replicate:
- As you make code changes, frequently commit and push to GitHub.
- Once you've finished the assignment and pushed your work to GitHub, make a pull request from your fork to the original repo.