This is a project of SF Civic Tech
This is a hybrid Next.js + Python app that uses Next.js as the frontend and FastAPI as the API backend.
You can work on this app locally or using Docker. If you choose to work locally, do the following:
First, install the dependencies:
npm install
# or
# or
pnpm install
Then, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
The FastApi server will be running on – feel free to change the port in package.json
(you'll also need to update it in next.config.js
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
- FastAPI Documentation - learn about FastAPI features and API.
You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository.
This project uses Docker and Docker Compose to run the application, which includes the frontend, backend, and postgres database.
- Docker: Make sure Docker is installed on your machine. Get Docker.
- Docker Compose: Ensure Docker Compose is installed (usually included with Docker Desktop).
- PostgreSQL (optional): Ensure PostgreSQL is installed if you want to run the database locally (instead of in a Docker container).
- Run Docker Compose: From the project root directory (where the docker-compose.yml file is located), run:
docker-compose up -d
This will:
- Build the necessary Docker images (if not already built).
- Start all services defined in the docker-compose.yml file (e.g., frontend, backend, database).
Access the Application:
- The app is running at http://localhost:3000. Note that this may conflict with your local dev server. If so, one will be running on port 3000 and the other on port 3001.
- The API is accessible at http://localhost:8000.
- The Postgres instance with PostGIS extension is accessible at http://localhost:5432.
- To interact with a running container, use
- To run a database query, run
docker exec -it my_postgis_db psql -U postgres -d qsdatabase
- To execute a python scrupt, run
docker exec -it datasci-earthquake-backend-1 python <path/to/script>
- To run a database query, run
Note: If you modify the
or other build contexts (e.g.,.env
), you should rundocker-compose up -d --build
to rebuild the images and apply the changes!
To stop and shut down the application:
Stop Docker Compose: Type
docker compose stop
. -
Bring Down the Containers: If you want to stop and remove the containers completely, run:
docker-compose down
This will:- Stop all services.
- Remove the containers, but it will not delete volumes (so the database data will persist).
Note: If you want to start with a clean slate and remove all data inside the containers, run
docker-compose down -v
- You can find the list of running containers (their ids, names, status and ports) by running
docker ps -a
. - If a container failed, start troublshooting by inspecting logs with
docker logs <container-id>
. - Containers fail when their build contexts were modified but the containers weren't rebuilt. If logs show that some dependencies are missing, this can be likely solved by rebuilding the containers.
- Many problems are caused by disk usage issues. Run
docker system df
to show disk usage. Use pruning commands such asdocker system prune
to clean up unused resources. Error response from daemon: network not found
occurs when Docker tries to use a network that has already been deleted or is dangling (not associated with any container). Prune unused networks to resolve this issue:docker network prune -f
. If this doesn't help, rundocker system prune
This repository uses Black
for Python and ESLint
for JS/TS to enforce code style standards. We also use MyPy
to perform static type checking on Python code. The pre-commit hook runs the formatters automatically before each commit, helping maintain code consistency across the project. It works for only the staged files. If you have edited unstaged files in your repository and want to make them comply with the CI pipeline, then run black .
mypy .
for Python code and npm run lint .
for Javascript code.
- If you haven't already, install pre-commit:
pip install pre-commit
- Run the following command to install the pre-commit hooks defined in the configuration file
:pre-commit install
This command sets up pre-commit to automatically run ESLint, Black, and MyPy before each commit.
Running Black Automatically: After setup, every time you attempt to commit code, Black will check the staged files and apply formatting if necessary. If files are reformatted, the commit will be stopped, and you’ll need to review the changes before committing again.
Bypassing the Hook: If you want to skip the pre-commit hook for a specific commit, use the --no-verify flag with your commit command:
git commit -m "your commit message" --no-verify
.Note: The
flag is helpful in cases where you need to make a quick commit without running the pre-commit checks, but it should be used sparingly to maintain code quality. CI pipeline will fail during thepull request
action if the code is not formatted. -
Running Pre-commit on All Files: If you want to format all files in the repository, use:
pre-commit run --all-files
We use GitHub Secrets to store sensitive environment variables. A template .env.example
file is provided in the repository as a reference. Only users with write access to the repository can manually trigger the Generate .env File
workflow, which creates and uploads the actual .env
file as an artifact.
Note: Before starting work on the project, make sure to:
- Get write access to the repository
- Trigger the
Generate .env File
workflow and download the artifact. - Place the artifact in the root folder of the project. Make sure the file is named
The file is organized into three main sections:
- Postgres Environment Variables. This section contains the credentials to connect to the PostgreSQL database, such as the username, password, and the name of the database.
- Backend Environment Variables. These variables are used by the backend (i.e., FastAPI) to configure its behavior and to connect to the database and the frontend application.
- Frontend Environment Variables. This section contains the base URL for API calls to the backend,
variable that determines in which environment the Node.js application is running, and the token needed to access Mapbox APIs.
If you have changed the models in backend/api/models, then you must migrate the database from its current models to the new ones with the following two commands:
docker exec -it BACKEND_CONTAINER_NAME bash -c "cd backend && alembic revision --autogenerate -m 'MIGRATION NAME'"
docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME bash -c "cd backend && alembic upgrade head"
may change with the project and perhaps its deployment but, for local Docker development is datasci-earthquake-backend-1
is your choice and should describe the migration.
The former command generates a migration script in backend/alembic/versions
, and the second command runs it.