The idea is that the calling code fills up the bucket by adding data (in the form of a real(8) array (of rank 1) and this bucket automatically flushes itself to a file when it's full, so the calling program doesn't need to concern itself with dynamic memory management. The bucket can be virtual in which case it is never automatically flushed.
ODE solver with FFT calculator. Originally from Numerical Recipes 77 and recast using the modern syntax. Includes implementations of classic O(4) Runge-Kutta, the 3/8 O(4) Runge-Kutta which has better error properties and the O(5/6) Cash-Karp which has error estimation.
Helper module for Fortran code wanting to create gnuplot plots: line, bar, scatter, histograms.
Some basic statistics: mean, standard-deviation and skewness. 3 different ways of creating a histogram.
grad, div, curl, div grad using autodiff
Implementation of automatic differentiation
For building everything.
- Intel archives are built using ifort version 17.0.4
- Gfortran archves are built using GNU Fortran (GCC) 8.1.0
Each archive contains the following:
- libcode.a
- auto_diff.mod
- bucket.mod
- clib.mod
- gnu_plot.mod
- solver.mod
- stats.mod
- stl.mod
- vector_analysis.mod
Supported archives are as follows:
- build-gfortran-debug.tgz
- build-gfortran-release.tgz
- build-intel-debug.tgz
- build-intel-release.tgz