- Disclaimer: Its on your own !!
- Init
- Number of input/outpur nodes
- Hidden layers
- Neurons in each layer
- Forward Propagation
- Activation Function
- sigmoid
- tanh
- ReLU
- Backward Propagation
- Training NN
- Testing NN
flowchart LR
Random_Input --> Genrator --> Sample_ --> Discriminator --> Discriminator_Loss
Discriminator --> Generator_Loss
Real_Image --> Sample --> Discriminator
- Define Generator
- Create a function to generate random noise
- Define Discriminator
- Create a function to distinguishes between real and generated data
- Generate fake data
- Define a traning loop
- Discriminator learns to distinguish between fake and real data
- Generator learns to create data that fools the Discriminator
- Each one tries to learn to outdo the other
- Evaluate the GAN
- ML Machine learning
- Supervised Learning Algorithms
- Unsupervised Learning Algorithms
- Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
- Model-based
- Value Iteration
- Model Iteration
- Dyna-Q
- Model-free
- QLearning
- TD(λ)
- Model-based
- NLP Natrual Language Processing
- Sentence Representation
- Graphical Topic Models
- Training with Classification Models
- Vision
To understand visual data
- CNN Convolutional Neural Networks
Image recognition, classification and object detection
- RNN Recurrent Neural Networks
Image captioning, scene description and video analysis
- YOLO You Only Look Once
Real time object detection algorithm
- Mask R-CNN
Extension of R-CNN
- GANs Generative Adversarial Networks
To create material such as image, music, text, ...
- Siamese Networks
Image classification and similarity learning
- CPMs Convolutional Pos Machines
Human Pos estimation; location and orientation of joints
- CNN Convolutional Neural Networks
- Speech
- Robotics
- Expert System
- Forward Chaining
- Backward Chaining
- Certainty Factor
- Case-based Reasoning
- Fuzzy Logic
- Bayesian Networks
- Decision Trees
- Learning Curve Algorithms
Is this in correct category??
- Methahuristic Algorithms
- Constrained Heuristic
- Hybrid Combination
- Neural Network
- Self-Aware
- Limited Memory
- Theory of Mind
- Reactive Machines
- Artificial General Intelligence
- Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
- Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)
- Supervised Learning
- Regression
- Linear
- Polynominal
- Classification
- NaiveBayse
- Decision Tree
- Regression
- Unsupervised Learning
- Clustering
- KMeans
- DBScan
- MeanShift
- FuzzyCMean
- Hierarchical
- Agglomerative
- Knowledge-based
- Dimension Reduction (Generalization)
- Pattern Search
- Apriori
- FPGrowth
- Clustering
- Ensemble Methods
- Bagging
- RandomForest
- Stacking
- Boosting
- Bagging
- Reinforcment Learning
- A3C
Is this in correct category??
- QLearning
- GeneticAlgorithm
Is this in correct category??
- DeepQNetwork (DQN)
- Online shopping
- Fraud prevention
- Autonomous vehicles
- Facial recognition
- Hiring
- Gaming
- Social media
- Travel
- TensorFlow
- PyTorch
- Keras
- Chain
- Theano
- Auto-WEKA
- BigML
- Scikit-learn
- Accord.NET
- Google Cloud AutoML
- Azure Machine Learning Studio
- Amazon Machine Learning (AML)
- Getting started with ML
- Learn machine learning
- Coding ML from scratch
- ML from scratch
- Mastering machine learning
- Artificial neural network classification
- Reinforcement Q-learning
- ML introduction
- Machine learning with python
- Machine learning algorithms from scratch
- Generative Adversarial Networks
- Simpelest GAN Possible
- Simple GAN Model
- Develope a 1D GAN Model
- NN for Dummies