nvm use 18
npx create-blox-app@latest my-app
cd my-app
npm i
npm start
Next, play around with the md
and tsx
files under packages/docs/data
Blox demo
Check out the live demo
Getting started with building your component lib together with an awesome catalog app to display it.
It is definitely a matter of taste, but:
- It is super fast ⚡ - a vite react app
- It uses esbuild-wasm to transpile your blox code at runtime, meaning you can let your component lib consumer edit the examples at runtime.
- You edit markdown files, so there is no limit to the way you build your components example pages. Check out Button.md example.
- EVERYTHING is customizable, it can easily become a completely different app than the default one (a complete guide on how to do that will be added soon).
Contributions Are more than welcome!
- 📥 Pull requests and 🌟 Stars are always welcome.
- Read our contributing guide to get started.