The font that's being used is DIN Medium! (Portal 2's Font) The cursor I am using is named Future Cursors.
Immerse yourself in a highly-built toughened system that does anything that the average user would want it to do!
I'll start: The CURsOR: the CURsOR is our most advanced, powerful technology ever created for a pointer on a desktop! It is built with over 500 pixels, and is fit for the user to do tasks.
If you right click, you would get a context menu with all of your favorite options, from the Novideo control panel, to creating files on your desktop!
As you can see, we have a few files on the desktop already, the cake is a lie.. secret black mesa documents... and my onlyfans- WHAT IDIOT NAMED THESE?
Anyways, we send this system up our website, and you'll be able to get it all for free! Yes!! Free!! (99$ without MSRP in several different states in America which are now considered part of Canada)
So?! What are you waiting for??? Get your face knuckle-sandwiched!
Cave Johnson, we're done here.