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Issue H-1: Boost buyback burns incorrect amount of liquidity

Source: #114

Found by

0x37, carrotsmuggler, pkqs90, s1ce, spark1, vinica_boy


The function _unfarmBuyBurn in the V3AMO contract is a public function open to everyone and calculates the amount of liquidity to burn from the pool. This function basically burns LP positions to take out liquidity and uses the usd to buy up boost tokens and burns them to raise the price of boost tokens.

The issue is in the _unfarmBuyBurn function when it tries to estimate how much liquidity needs to be taken out.

As seen above, first the token reserves of the pool are checked. Then, the liquidity to be burnt is calculated from the difference of the reserves.

liquidity = (totalLiquidity * (boostBalance - usdBalance)) / (boostBalance + usdBalance);
liquidity = (liquidity * LIQUIDITY_COEFF) / FACTOR;

However, this calculation is not valid for V3/CL pools. This is because in V3 pools, single sided liquidity is allowed which adds to the totalLiquidity count, but increases the reserves of only 1 token. If a user adds liquidity at a tick lower than the current price, they will be adding only usd to the pool.

For example, lets say the price currently is below peg, at 0.9. Say there are 1000 boost and 900 usd tokens in the pool, similar to a V2 composition. Now, since its a V3 pool, a user can come in and add 100 usd to the pool at a price of 0.5. Since this price is lower than the spot price, only usd will be needed to open this position. Now, the total reserves of both boost and usd are 1000 each, so the calculated liquidity amount to be removed will be 0.

Thus the liquidity calculated in the contract has absolutely no meaning since it uses the reserves to calculate it, which is not valid for V3 pools. In the best case scenario, this will cause the function to revert and not work. In the worst case scenario, the liquidity calculated will be overestimated and the price will be pushed up even above the peg price. This is possible if users add single sided boost to the pool, increasing the liquidity amount calculated without changing the price. In this case, the contract assets will be used to force the boost token above peg, and malicious actors can buy the boost token before and sell it after for a handy profit.

Root Cause

The main cause is that liquidity is calculated from the reserves. This is not valid for V3, since it can have single sided liquidity, and thus the reserves does not serve as an indicator of price or in this case the deviation from the peg.

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions

Any user can add boost-only liquidity to make the contract overestimate the amount of liquidity it needs to burn

Attack Path

Users can add boost-only liquidity to make the contract overestimate the amount of liquidity it needs to burn. When extra liquidity is burnt and extra boost is bought back and burnt, the price will be pushed up even above the peg price. Users can buy before trigerring this and sell after for profit.


Price can be pushed above the peg price




Use the quoteSwap function to calculate how much needs to be swapped until the target price is hit.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: AXION-MONEY/liquidity-amo#7

Issue H-2: V2AMO is not compatible with Velodrome/Aerodrome.

Source: #239

Found by

0x37, Greese, KupiaSec, PNS, carrotsmuggler, pkqs90, y4y


According to the docs, the Dex scope for SolidlyV2 includes Velodrome/Aerodrome.

We expect the SolidlyV2 tech-implementation work with the “classic” pools on the following Dexes: Velodrome, Aerodrome, Thena, Equalizer (Fantom/Sonic/Base), Ramses and forks (legacy pools), Tokan

However, for Velodrome/Aerodrome implementations, the current SolidlyV2AMO is not compatible.

Root Cause

There are two parts of integration with Velodrome/Aerodrome that are buggy:

  1. Gauge
  2. Router

Let's go through them one by one (Note, since Velodrome and Aerodrome have basically the same code, I will only post Aerodrome code):

1. Gauge

The main difference is in the getReward() function.

Aerodrome interface:

interface IGauge {
    function getReward(address _account) external;

SolidiyV2AMO interface:

interface IGauge {
    function getReward(address account, address[] memory tokens) external;

    function getReward(uint256 tokenId) external;

    function getReward() external;

2. Router

The main difference is:

  1. Aerodrome uses poolFor instead of pairFor when querying a pool/pair.
  2. The Route struct is implemented differently, and is used when performing swap

Aerodrome interface:

interface IRouter {
    struct Route {
        address from;
        address to;
        bool stable;
        address factory;

    function poolFor(
        address tokenA,
        address tokenB,
        bool stable,
        address _factory
    ) external view returns (address pool);

    function swapExactTokensForTokens(
        uint256 amountIn,
        uint256 amountOutMin,
        Route[] calldata routes,
        address to,
        uint256 deadline
    ) external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

SolidiyV2AMO interface:

interface ISolidlyRouter {
    struct route {
        address from;
        address to;
        bool stable;

    function pairFor(address tokenA, address tokenB, bool stable) external view returns (address pair);

    function swapExactTokensForTokens(
        uint256 amountIn,
        uint256 amountOutMin,
        route[] memory routes,
        address to,
        uint256 deadline
    ) external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions


Attack Path



SolidlyV2AMO does not work with Aerodrome/Velodrome as expected.







The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: AXION-MONEY/liquidity-amo#9

Issue H-3: V3AMO integration with V3 does not collect LP fees when burning liquidity.

Source: #242

Found by



SolidlyV3AMO supplies liquidity for the Boost-USD pool. When users call unfarmBuyBurn to burn liquidity from SolidlyV3AMO, the LP fees should be collected as well. However, the current integration does not correctly collect fees for SolidlyV3, and the fees are stuck forever.

Root Cause

Let's see the SolidlyV3 implementation for burnAndCollect() function. (This is taken from notion docs.)

Even though SolidlyV3 is a fork of UniswapV3, there is a significant difference. In UniswapV3, the liquidity fees are calculated within the Pool, and can be collected via the Pool. However, in SolidlyV3, the fees are not updated at all (In the following code, where the fees should be updated in Position.sol as done by UniswapV3, you can see the fee update code is fully removed).

Also, according to the SolidlyV3 docs, all fees (and bribes) distribution have been moved into the RewardsDistributor.sol contract, and distributed via merkel proof. This means calling burnAndCollect() does not allow us to collect the LP fees anymore, and that we need to call separate function for SolidlyV3AMO in order to retrieve the LP fees.


    function burnAndCollect(
        address recipient,
        int24 tickLower,
        int24 tickUpper,
        uint128 amountToBurn,
        uint128 amount0ToCollect,
        uint128 amount1ToCollect
        returns (uint256 amount0FromBurn, uint256 amount1FromBurn, uint128 amount0Collected, uint128 amount1Collected)
        (amount0FromBurn, amount1FromBurn) = _burn(tickLower, tickUpper, amountToBurn);
        (amount0Collected, amount1Collected) = _collect(
    function _burn(
        int24 tickLower,
        int24 tickUpper,
        uint128 amount
    ) private lock returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) {
@>      (Position.Info storage position, int256 amount0Int, int256 amount1Int) = _modifyPosition(
                owner: msg.sender,
                tickLower: tickLower,
                tickUpper: tickUpper,
                liquidityDelta: -int256(amount).toInt128()

        amount0 = uint256(-amount0Int);
        amount1 = uint256(-amount1Int);

        if (amount0 > 0 || amount1 > 0) {
@>          (position.tokensOwed0, position.tokensOwed1) = (
                position.tokensOwed0 + uint128(amount0),
                position.tokensOwed1 + uint128(amount1)
        emit Burn(msg.sender, tickLower, tickUpper, amount, amount0, amount1);
    function _modifyPosition(
        ModifyPositionParams memory params
    ) private returns (Position.Info storage position, int256 amount0, int256 amount1) {
        checkTicks(params.tickLower, params.tickUpper);

        Slot0 memory _slot0 = slot0; // SLOAD for gas optimization

@>      position = _updatePosition(params.owner, params.tickLower, params.tickUpper, params.liquidityDelta);
    function _updatePosition(
        address owner,
        int24 tickLower,
        int24 tickUpper,
        int128 liquidityDelta
    ) private returns (Position.Info storage position) {
@>      position.update(liquidityDelta);

SolidlyV3 Position.sol

    /// @notice Updates the liquidity amount associated with a user's position
    /// @param self The individual position to update
    /// @param liquidityDelta The change in pool liquidity as a result of the position update
    function update(Info storage self, int128 liquidityDelta) internal {
    	// @audit-note: Fees should be accumulated in UniswapV3. But in SolidlyV3, this is removed.
        if (liquidityDelta != 0) {
            self.liquidity = LiquidityMath.addDelta(self.liquidity, liquidityDelta);

SolidlyV3AMO implementation

    function _unfarmBuyBurn(
        uint256 liquidity,
        uint256 minBoostRemove,
        uint256 minUsdRemove,
        uint256 minBoostAmountOut,
        uint256 deadline
        returns (uint256 boostRemoved, uint256 usdRemoved, uint256 usdAmountIn, uint256 boostAmountOut)
        (uint256 amount0Min, uint256 amount1Min) = sortAmounts(minBoostRemove, minUsdRemove);
        // Remove liquidity and store the amounts of USD and BOOST tokens received
            uint256 amount0FromBurn,
            uint256 amount1FromBurn,
            uint128 amount0Collected,
            uint128 amount1Collected
@>      ) = ISolidlyV3Pool(pool).burnAndCollect(

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions


Attack Path



LP Fees are not retrievable for SolidlyV3AMO.




Add a function to call the RewardsDistributor.sol for SolidlyV3 to retrieve the LP fees. This can be an independent function, since not all SolidlyV3 forks may support this feature.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: AXION-MONEY/liquidity-amo#10

Issue H-4: Liquidity is incorrectly calculated during addLiquidity() for V3AMO, causing DoS.

Source: #280

Found by

0x37, pkqs90, s1ce, spark1


SolidlyV3 has the same liquidity calculation as UniswapV3. Currently, when adding liquidity, the liquidity calculation is wrong, and may lead to DoS in some cases.

Root Cause

When calling addLiquidity, the amount of liquidity that is suppose to add is calculated by liquidity = (usdAmount * currentLiquidity) / IERC20Upgradeable(usd).balanceOf(pool);. This is incorrect in the terms of UniswapV3, because there may be multiple tickLower/tickUpper positions covering the current tick.

Also, since anyone can add a LP position to the pool, so attackers can easily DoS this function.

Consider an attacker adds an unbalanced LP position that deposits a lot of Boost tokens but doesn't deposit USD tokens. This would increase the total liquidity, and inflate the amount of liquidity calculated in the above formula, which would lead to an increase of USD tokens required to mint the liquidity.

When the amount of requried USD token is above the approved usdAmount, the liquidity minting would fail.

See the following PoC section for a more detailed example.

    function _addLiquidity(
        uint256 usdAmount,
        uint256 minBoostSpend,
        uint256 minUsdSpend,
        uint256 deadline
    ) internal override returns (uint256 boostSpent, uint256 usdSpent, uint256 liquidity) {
        // Calculate the amount of BOOST to mint based on the usdAmount and boostMultiplier
        uint256 boostAmount = (toBoostAmount(usdAmount) * boostMultiplier) / FACTOR;

        // Mint the specified amount of BOOST tokens to this contract's address
        IMinter(boostMinter).protocolMint(address(this), boostAmount);

        // Approve the transfer of BOOST and USD tokens to the pool
        IERC20Upgradeable(boost).approve(pool, boostAmount);
@>      IERC20Upgradeable(usd).approve(pool, usdAmount);

        (uint256 amount0Min, uint256 amount1Min) = sortAmounts(minBoostSpend, minUsdSpend);

@>      uint128 currentLiquidity = ISolidlyV3Pool(pool).liquidity();
@>      liquidity = (usdAmount * currentLiquidity) / IERC20Upgradeable(usd).balanceOf(pool);

        // Add liquidity to the BOOST-USD pool within the specified tick range
        (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = ISolidlyV3Pool(pool).mint(

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions


Attack Path

Attackers can brick addLiquidity function by depositing LP.


Attackers can deposit LP to make add liquidity fail, which also makes mintSellFarm() fail. This is an important feature to keep Boost/USD pegged, thus a high severity issue.

This is basically no cost for attackers since the Boost/USD will always go back to 1:1 so no impermanent loss is incurred.


Add the following code in SolidlyV3AMO.test.ts. It does the following:

  1. Add unbalanced liquidity so that total liquidity increases, but USD.balanceOf(pool) does not increase.
  2. Mint some USD to SolidlyV3AMO for adding liquidity.
  3. Try to add liquidity, but it fails due to incorrect liquidity calculation (tries to add too much liquidity for not enough USD tokens).
      it("Should execute addLiquidity successfully", async function() {
        // Step 1: Add unbalanced liquidity so that total liquidity increases, but USD.balanceOf(pool) does not increase.
          // -276325 is the current slot0 tick.
          console.log(await pool.slot0());
          await boost.connect(boostMinter).mint(admin.address, boostDesired * 100n);
          await testUSD.connect(boostMinter).mint(admin.address, usdDesired * 100n);
          await boost.approve(poolAddress, boostDesired * 100n);
          await testUSD.approve(poolAddress, usdDesired * 100n);
          console.log(await boost.balanceOf(admin.address));
          console.log(await testUSD.balanceOf(admin.address));
            -276325 - 10,
            liquidity * 3n,
          console.log(await boost.balanceOf(admin.address));
          console.log(await testUSD.balanceOf(admin.address));

        // Step 2: Mint some USD to SolidlyV3AMO for adding liquidity.
        await testUSD.connect(admin).mint(amoAddress, ethers.parseUnits("1000", 6));
        const usdBalance = await testUSD.balanceOf(amoAddress);

        // Step 3: Add liquidity fails due to incorrect liquidity calculation.
        await expect(solidlyV3AMO.connect(amo).addLiquidity(
        )).to.emit(solidlyV3AMO, "AddLiquidity");


Use the UniswapV3 library for calculating liquidity:

    function getLiquidityForAmounts(
        uint160 sqrtRatioX96,
        uint160 sqrtRatioAX96,
        uint160 sqrtRatioBX96,
        uint256 amount0,
        uint256 amount1
    ) internal pure returns (uint128 liquidity) {
        if (sqrtRatioAX96 > sqrtRatioBX96) (sqrtRatioAX96, sqrtRatioBX96) = (sqrtRatioBX96, sqrtRatioAX96);

        if (sqrtRatioX96 <= sqrtRatioAX96) {
            liquidity = getLiquidityForAmount0(sqrtRatioAX96, sqrtRatioBX96, amount0);
        } else if (sqrtRatioX96 < sqrtRatioBX96) {
            uint128 liquidity0 = getLiquidityForAmount0(sqrtRatioX96, sqrtRatioBX96, amount0);
            uint128 liquidity1 = getLiquidityForAmount1(sqrtRatioAX96, sqrtRatioX96, amount1);

            liquidity = liquidity0 < liquidity1 ? liquidity0 : liquidity1;
        } else {
            liquidity = getLiquidityForAmount1(sqrtRatioAX96, sqrtRatioBX96, amount1);



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: AXION-MONEY/liquidity-amo#12

Issue M-1: Boost can be sold under peg despite comments and code attempting to prevent it

Source: #36

Found by

spark1, vinica_boy


Boost can be sold under peg despite comments and code attempting to prevent it. This is defined in the comments and readme " There are, however, some hard-coded limitations —— mainly to ensure that even admins can only buyback BOOST below peg and sell it above peg. These are doctsringed."

Root Cause

The only apparent check to prevent boost from being sold below peg is a simple if statement:

        if (minUsdAmountOut < toUsdAmount(boostAmount)) minUsdAmountOut = toUsdAmount(boostAmount);

However this does not prevent boost from being sold below peg. Consider pool with 90 boost and 110 usdc (ignore fees for now). 1 boost > 1 usdc. If _mintAndSellBoost is called with 20 boost, we will get end result 110 boost and 90 usdc. 20 boost were sold for 20 usdc. However, some of the boost were sold below the peg. Consider the first boost we sold. It was above the peg. At about 99.498 boost and 99.498 usdc the pool will be balanced. However, once we continue selling boost we will be selling below the peg.

The admin can call mintAndSellBoost directly.

The following affiliated check does nothing as without fee on transfer it will always pass.

        // we check that selling BOOST yields proportionally more USD
        if (usdAmountOut != usdBalanceAfter - usdBalanceBefore)
            revert UsdAmountOutMismatch(usdAmountOut, usdBalanceAfter - usdBalanceBefore);

This also applies to mintSellFarm as it does the same call with toUsdAmount(boostAmount)

This may not apply to V3 AMO depending on if targetSqrtPriceX96 is set correctly:

This contradicts the comments and readme stating that boost cannot be sold below peg by the AMO.

Internal pre-conditions

no preconditions

External pre-conditions

no preconditions

Attack Path

Not an attack


The protocol loses funds equivalent to the area under the curve of boost sold below peg. In large depeg this could be a huge amount of money. In the 90 - 110 example the total loss is 10.502 - 9.498 = 1.004. The protocol has lost 5% of the funds used in _mintAndSellBoost. High severity as it has large loss and violates important invariant specified explicitly in readme.


Not required according to the terms


Check that you can only sell to the sqrt K 1:1 balanced price.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: AXION-MONEY/liquidity-amo#4

Issue M-2: V2AMO and V3AMO: USDT Approval Logic Causes Reversion

Source: #47

Found by

0x37, Naresh, RadCet, ZanyBonzy, unnamed, wellbyt3


As the documentation mentions, the contracts are designed to be compatible with any EVM chain and support USDT:

The smart contracts can potentially be implemented on any full-EVM chain

USD is a generic name for a reference stable coin paired with BOOST in the AMO ( USDC and USDT are the first natural candidates )

However, both the SolidlyV2AMO and SolidlyV3AMO contracts will not work with USDT, as they will revert during the _addLiquidity() and _unfarmBuyBurn() functions.

Root Cause

Both SolidlyV2AMO and SolidlyV3AMO use OpenZeppelin's IERC20Upgradeable interface, which expects a boolean return value when calling the approve() function. However, USDT's implementation of the approve() function does not return a boolean value, which causes the contract to revert during execution.

    * @dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender.
    * @param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
    * @param _value The amount of tokens to be spent.
    function approve(address _spender, uint _value) public onlyPayloadSize(2 * 32) {

The functions _addLiquidity() and _unfarmBuyBurn() in both contracts expect a boolean return value, causing them to revert when interacting with USDT.

example SolidlyV3AMO::_addLiquidity and SolidlyV3AMO::_unfarmBuyBurn:

 function _addLiquidity(uint256 usdAmount, uint256 minBoostSpend, uint256 minUsdSpend, uint256 deadline)
        returns (uint256 boostSpent, uint256 usdSpent, uint256 liquidity)

        // Approve the transfer of BOOST and USD tokens to the pool
        IERC20Upgradeable(boost).approve(pool, boostAmount);
@>      IERC20Upgradeable(usd).approve(pool, usdAmount);

        (uint256 amount0Min, uint256 amount1Min) = sortAmounts(minBoostSpend, minUsdSpend);

        uint128 currentLiquidity = ISolidlyV3Pool(pool).liquidity();
        liquidity = (usdAmount * currentLiquidity) / IERC20Upgradeable(usd).balanceOf(pool);

        // Add liquidity to the BOOST-USD pool within the specified tick range
        (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = ISolidlyV3Pool(pool).mint(
            address(this), tickLower, tickUpper, uint128(liquidity), amount0Min, amount1Min, deadline

        // Revoke approval from the pool
        IERC20Upgradeable(boost).approve(pool, 0);
@>      IERC20Upgradeable(usd).approve(pool, 0);

     function _unfarmBuyBurn(
        uint256 liquidity,
        uint256 minBoostRemove,
        uint256 minUsdRemove,
        uint256 minBoostAmountOut,
        uint256 deadline
        returns (uint256 boostRemoved, uint256 usdRemoved, uint256 usdAmountIn, uint256 boostAmountOut)
        // Approve the transfer of usd tokens to the pool
@>      IERC20Upgradeable(usd).approve(pool, usdRemoved);

        // Execute the swap and store the amounts of tokens involved
        (int256 amount0, int256 amount1) = ISolidlyV3Pool(pool).swap(
            boost > usd, // Determines if we are swapping USD for BOOST (true) or BOOST for USD (false)

        // Revoke approval from the pool
@>      IERC20Upgradeable(usd).approve(pool, 0);


SolidlyV2AMO::_addLiquidity and SolidlyV2AMO::_unfarmBuyBurn faces the same issue

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


Adding liquidity and farming will fail due to a revert on USDT approvals


Use safeApprove instead of approve



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: AXION-MONEY/liquidity-amo#5

Issue M-3: Contracts of the codebase will not strictly compliant with the ERC-1504.

Source: #155

The protocol has acknowledged this issue.

Found by

0xnbvc, Atharv, AuditorPraise, HackTrace, Kirkeelee, dany.armstrong90, isagixyz, pkqs90


Contracts of the codebase isn't strictly compliant with the ERC-1504. This breaks the readme.

Root Cause

As per readme:

Is the codebase expected to comply with any EIPs? Can there be/are there any deviations from the specification?

Strictly compliant: ERC-1504: Upgradable Smart Contract

But the contracts of the codebase uses openzepplin upgradable contracts as base contract which are not compliant with ERC-1504. As per ERC-1504, the upgradable contract should consists of have handler contract, data contract and optionally the upgrader contract. But the contracts of the codebase are not compliant with ERC-1504 because they has no data contract and has data inside the handler contract.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


Break the readme.


No response


Make the contracts strictly compliant with ERC-1504.

Issue M-4: Precision loss in boostPrice in V3AMO

Source: #191

Found by

0x37, Bigsam, durov, s1ce, yuza101


There is precision loss in a specific case in SolidlyV3AMO, which leads to incorrect value of boostPrice being reported. This leads to issues with upstream functions that use it.

Root Cause

Consider the following code:

function boostPrice() public view override returns (uint256 price) {
        (uint160 _sqrtPriceX96, , , ) = ISolidlyV3Pool(pool).slot0();
        uint256 sqrtPriceX96 = uint256(_sqrtPriceX96);
        if (boost < usd) {
            price = (10 ** (boostDecimals - usdDecimals + PRICE_DECIMALS) * sqrtPriceX96 ** 2) / Q96 ** 2;
        } else {
            if (sqrtPriceX96 >= Q96) {
                // @audit: massive precision loss here
                price = 10 ** (boostDecimals - usdDecimals + PRICE_DECIMALS) / (sqrtPriceX96 ** 2 / Q96 ** 2);
            } else {
                price = (10 ** (boostDecimals - usdDecimals + PRICE_DECIMALS) * Q96 ** 2) / sqrtPriceX96 ** 2;

Notice that in this specific clause:

if (sqrtPriceX96 >= Q96) {
                // @audit: massive precision loss here
                price = 10 ** (boostDecimals - usdDecimals + PRICE_DECIMALS) / (sqrtPriceX96 ** 2 / Q96 ** 2);

We divide (sqrtPriceX96 ** 2 / Q96 ** 2). However, consider a case where the value of the stablecoin is 20% higher than the value of boost; in this case a price of around 0.8 should be reported by the function but because (sqrtPriceX96 ** 2 / Q96 ** 2) will round down to 1, the function will end up reporting a price of 1.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

We need the price of the stablecoin to be at least a bit higher than the price of BOOST for this to be relevant

Attack Path

Described above; precision loss leads to boostPrice calculation reported by SolidlyV3AMO being incorrect.


Impact is that, because the price is reported incorrect, public calls to unfarmBuyBurn() will fail because the following check will fail:

if (newBoostPrice > boostUpperPriceBuy) revert PriceNotInRange(newBoostPrice);

newBoostPrice will be reported as 1 even though it should be much lower.


First, set sqrtPriceX96 to 87150978765690771352898345369 (10% above 2^96)

pool = await ethers.getContractAt("ISolidlyV3Pool", poolAddress);
await pool.initialize(sqrtPriceX96);


it("Showcases the incorrect price that is returned", async function() {
        console.log(await solidlyV3AMO.boostPrice()) // 1000000


No response



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: AXION-MONEY/liquidity-amo#8

Issue M-5: MasterAMO should not use the initializer modifier

Source: #244

Found by

FonDevs, KupiaSec, UsmanAtique, calc1f4r, hunter_w3b


MasterAMO is a utils contract that intended to be inherited by SolidlyV2AMO, SolidlyV3AMO contracts, therefore. it's initializer function should not use the initializer modifier, instead, it should use onlyInitializing modifier.

Root Cause

In the MasterAMO.sol:104 contract, the initialize function uses the initializer modifier. This is incorrect for a contract like MasterAMO, which is meant to be inherited by other contracts, such as SolidlyV2AMO and SolidlyV3AMO.

In this inheritance model, the SolidlyV2AMO contract also has its own initialize function, which includes the initializer modifier and calls the initialize function of MasterAMO. The problem here is that both the parent contract MasterAMO and the child contracts SolidlyV2AMO, SolidlyV3AMO are using the initializer modifier, which limits initialization to only one call.

According to the OpenZeppelin documentation, the onlyInitializing modifier should be used to allow initialization in both the parent and child contracts. The onlyInitializing modifier ensures that when the initialize function is called, any contracts in its inheritance chain can still complete their own initialization.

A modifier that defines a protected initializer function that can be invoked at most once. In its scope, onlyInitializing functions can be used to initialize parent contracts.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


In this scenario, no direct attack or monetary loss is likely. However, the vulnerability causes a significant operational issue, preventing inheriting contracts from completing initialization. This could lead to a failure in the deployment of critical protocol components, affecting the overall system functionality.


A simple POC in Remix.

Screenshot from 2024-10-15 15-49-31


Replace the initializer modifier in the MasterAMO contract with the onlyInitializing modifier. This allows the initialize function to be used by both the MasterAMO and any inheriting contracts during their initialization phase, without conflicting with their individual setup processes.

    function initialize(
        address admin, // // Address assigned the admin role (given exclusively to a multi-sig wallet)
        address boost_, // The Boost stablecoin address
        address usd_, // generic name for $1 collateral ( typically USDC or USDT )
        address pool_, // The pool where AMO logic applies for Boost-USD pair
        // On each chain where Boost is deployed, there will be a stable Boost-USD pool ensuring BOOST's peg.
        // Multiple Boost-USD pools can exist across different DEXes on the same chain, each with its own AMO, maintaining independent peg guarantees.
        address boostMinter_ // the minter contract
-   ) public initializer {
+   ) public onlyInitializing {



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: AXION-MONEY/liquidity-amo#11

Issue M-6: The V3AMO._mintAndSellBoost() function does not work with Velodrome, Aerodrome, Fenix, Thena and Ramses

Source: #268

Found by

ABA, Kirkeelee, KupiaSec, carrotsmuggler, pkqs90


The protocol mints BOOST tokens and sells them for USD using the _mintAndSellBoost() function for SolidlyV3 DEXes. Since Velodrome, Aerodrome, Fenix, Thena and Ramses are parts of the SolidlyV3 DEXes, they should be compatible. However, the _mintAndSellBoost() function does not work with the DEXes due to incorrect function parameters.

Root Cause

In the _mintAndSellBoost() function, it mints BOOST tokens and swaps them for USD tokens.

File: liquidity-amo\contracts\SolidlyV3AMO.sol
144: @>      (int256 amount0, int256 amount1) = ISolidlyV3Pool(pool).swap(
145:             address(this),
146:             boost < usd,
147:             int256(boostAmount), // Amount of BOOST tokens being swapped
148:             targetSqrtPriceX96, // The target square root price
149:             minUsdAmountOut, // Minimum acceptable amount of USD to receive from the swap
150:             deadline
151:         );

However, the swap() function of Velodrome, Aerodrome, Fenix, Thena and Ramses has different parameters. The swap() functions of the DEXes are as follows:

Velodrome : L613-L619

Aerodrome : L679-L685

Fenix : L212-L218

Thena : L591-L597

Ramses : L944-L950

  function swap(
    address recipient,
    bool zeroToOne,
    int256 amountRequired,
    uint160 limitSqrtPrice,
    bytes calldata data
  ) external override returns (int256 amount0, int256 amount1) {   

As a result, the _mintAndSellBoost() function does not work with Velodrome, Aerodrome, Fenix, Thena and Ramses due to incorrect function parameters.

Internal pre-conditions

For convenience, let's assume that the USD token is USDC from this point forward.

  • Protocol team is going to mint additional BOOST and sell them for USDC to bring the price back down to peg.

External pre-conditions

  • The BOOST-USDC price diverges from peg and BOOST is trading above $1 in Velodrome.

Attack Path

  • Alice(protocol team) calls the mintAndSellBoost() function.

It reverts.


The mintAndSellBoost(), mintSellFarm() functions will be permanently DoSed for Velodrome, Aerodrome, Fenix, Thena and Ramses. Protocol team can't mint additional BOOST and sell them for USDC to bring the price back down to peg.



Use the correct function parameters for Velodrome, Aerodrome, Fenix, Thena and Ramses.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: AXION-MONEY/liquidity-amo#13


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