- Shihab Shaikh
- Kiran Medikurthy
- Abhishek Singh
- Deeptesh Bishwas
Main Functionalities in our projects were :
- Login/Signup
- Products
- Cart
- Payment
- Adding Address
Main UI/UX Highlights:
- Fully responsive website (Across all devices)
- All colors used are same as that of original one
- All products have their own images and details (same as of original one)
- Original Faasos Youtube video embedded
First User Come to the Index page and user can see two option Login and Sign Up , If User alredy Sign Up then user login other wise user Create New Account andthen Login. and then user Redirected to Product Page and see a list of Fassos product, In Product Page user Fielter Product as per Meals and Offers and Also Search Product as Per user Requirement,After user Add Multiple Product as per Requirement after When the user click on process User has to Redirected in Address Page And Fill address and the user autoMatically Redirected to Payment page and User Fill Payment Details Once a Payment Done User Automatically Redirected to Orders Page and user see list of orders an once a orers Is Deliverd user can See a successfull Message on screen.
Working in a team helps you in numerous ways, But at the same time, It has many caveeats also, So first look at what all help will you get while working in a team.
- More input will be there, Everone in the team has different approaches, So you will get creative ideas
- Teaches conflict resolution skills
- Promotes a wider sense of Ownership
- Increase the interpersonal skills
- Some team member are extremily good at some area
- Project work should be distrubted based on their interest an sensibility One caveat of working in a team that i felt was of major concern:
- Unequal involvment and Participation of different members
"This might delay and drastically affect other component of the website"
First we have gone through the given website, We tried to understand processes or functionality and structure of the website,then we have the website creation into modules and then based on our teammates interest, work is divided amoung them.
Thankyou so much for reading the blog.