The purpose of this tool is to generate a set of 9 views for each of a set of nifti scans and provide an interface for manually grading the quality of each scan.
This repo requires the nilearn
Python library (among others). To set up your environment to support this code, follow the following steps:
conda env create -f nilearn_env.yml
conda activate nilearn
conda create -n nilearn python=3.9
conda activate nilearn
python -m pip install -U nilearn
conda install conda-forge::nibabel
conda install scikit-learn
If you encounter errors when trying to load nilearn
, you may also need to run the following commands:
pip install pyyaml
pip install urllib3=1.25.4
Additionally, the following libraries may be useful for debugging purposes:
conda install jupyter
pip install chardet
conda install matplotlib
The ACPC alignment code requires input scans to be in the LAS+ orientation. This script verifies whether the scans in the input directory meet this requirement. If they do not, the scans are reoriented, and their corresponding JSON files are updated accordingly.
cd preprocessing/check-orientation
python -i /path/to/input/BIDS -o /path/to/output/base/directory
Example -
python -i /mnt/isilon/bgdlab_processing/Data/SLIP/slip_vsmol/BIDS
-o /mnt/isilon/bgdlab_processing/Data/SLIP/slip_vsmol
Resulting output:
: LAS+ reoriented scans and updated JSONs in BIDS format. This directory should be the input for the next step.
To perform ACPC alignment and cropping of MRI images, run the following commands :
cd preprocessing/crop-with-ACPC
python -i /path/to/input/BIDS-reoriented -o /path/to/output/base/directory -s /scr1/users/<user>
Example -
python -i /mnt/isilon/bgdlab_processing/Data/SLIP/slip_vsmol/BIDS-reoriented
-o /mnt/isilon/bgdlab_processing/Data/SLIP/slip_vsmol
-s /scr1/users/myusernmame
This results in the following output:
: ACPC Aligned and cropped scans organized in the BIDS format. This directory should be the input for the next step./scr1/users/myusernmame/PNG-preprocessing
: Directory with intermediate files in the scratch space provided. Can be deleted once the jobs are completed.
To generate PNGs for MPRs in a BIDS directory, run the following commands :
conda activate nilearn
cd png-generation
python runPngGenerator -i /path/to/input/BIDS -o /path/to/output/directory [-d /path/to/synthseg/outputs/directory]
Example -
python -i /mnt/isilon/bgdlab_processing/Data/SLIP/slip_vsmol/BIDS-preprocessed-withACPC
-o /home/<user>/QC
-d /mnt/isilon/bgdlab_processing/Data/SLIP/slip_vsmol/derivatives/synthseg+_robust_parc
This results in the following output:
: Structural PNGs organized in subdirectories named after their respective scan names./home/<user>/QC_SS_Overlays
: (Structural + Synthseg overlay) PNGs, organized in subdirectories named after their respective scan names.
Todo : add documentation
Divide the PNGs into batches that are expected to take about 15 minutes to grade. Assuming 5 seconds to examine each set of 3 PNGs in the same view and 3 views per scan, it should take less than 1 minute to grade each scan.
- For structural PNGs :
python -i /path/to/input/png/directory -p /path/to/participants.tsv -u ageUnits -o /path/to/the/output/base/directory
Example -
python -i /home/<user>/QC -p /mnt/isilon/bgdlab_processing/Data/SLIP/slip_vsmol/BIDS/participants.tsv -u m -o /home/<user>
- For (Structural + Synthseg overlay) PNGs :
python -i /path/to/input/png/directory -s -p /path/to/participants.tsv -u ageUnits -o /path/to/the/output/base/directory
Example -
python -i /home/<user>/QC_SS_Overlays -s -p /mnt/isilon/bgdlab_processing/Data/SLIP/slip_vsmol/BIDS/participants.tsv -u m -o /home/<user>
Run the cells and proceed as directed.