is a program (as in command line interface, CLI) and a library (as
in Go package) to write static web server with embedded files using
markup format.
As showcase, the following websites are build using ciigo,
Simple. There is only three main commands:
, andserve
. -
No themes, built your own template and style. Except for default HTML template and embedded CSS, there is no other selection of theme that you can "pre-installed".
No layout, you are free to structure your sites, using normal directory and file layout. Directory that contains "index.adoc" or "" will be served as is. For example "/my/journal/index.adoc" can be accessed as "/my/journal/" or "/my/journal/index.html".
ciigo as CLI can convert, generate, and/or serve a directory that contains markup files, as HTML files.
The installation require the git
and Go tools which you can download it
First, clone this repository somewhere, let say under your $HOME/src
$ mkdir -p $HOME/src/
$ cd $HOME/src
$ git clone
Run "go install" on ./cmd/ciigo,
$ cd $HOME/src/ciigo
$ go install ./cmd/ciigo
This will install the ciigo
into your $GOBIN
If you did not know where $GOBIN
is, run "go env" and check for GOBIN
environment variable.
It usually in $HOME/go/bin
ciigo [-template <file>] [-exclude <regex>] convert <dir>
Scan the "dir" recursively to find markup files (.adoc or .md) and convert them into HTML files. The "-template" file is optional, default to embedded HTML template.
ciigo [-template <file>] [-exclude <regex>] [-out <file>] \
[-package-name <string>] [-var-name <string>] \
embed <dir>
Convert all markup files inside directory "dir" recursively and then embed them into ".go" source file. The output file is optional, default to "ciigo_static.go" in current directory. The package name default to main. The variable name default to memFS.
ciigo help
Print the usage.
ciigo [-template <file>] [-exclude <regex>] [-address <ip:port>] \
serve <dir>
Serve all files inside directory "dir" using HTTP server, watch changes on markup files and convert them to HTML files automatically. If the address is not set, its default to ":8080".
ciigo version
Print the current ciigo version.
In this repository, we have an "_example" directory that we can try using
$ tree _example
├── custom.css
├── favicon.ico
├── html.tmpl
├── index.adoc
├── index.css
└── sub
└── index.adoc
First, lets convert all AsciiDoc files (.adoc) inside the "_example" directory recursively,
$ ciigo convert ./_example
2025/01/06 19:17:07 convertFileMarkups: converting _example/sub/index.adoc
2025/01/06 19:17:07 convertFileMarkups: converting _example/index.adoc
Then serve it under HTTP server,
$ ciigo serve ./_example/
2025/01/06 19:17:47 ciigo: starting HTTP server at for "./_example"
While the program still running, open the in your browser. Notice that we have "sub" directory. Lets open in your browser too. As we can see, the style of "/sub/" page is different because they use custom style defined using
:stylesheet: /custom.css
inside the "/sub/index.adoc" file. This is one of powerful feature of ciigo, where different page can have their own style.
Lets convert again but now using new "-template",
$ ciigo -template _example/html.tmpl
Nothing happened, why? Because none of the markup files is newer than our previous generated HTML. To force converting all markup files, we can update the modification time of our template file,
$ touch _example/html.tmpl
or delete all the HTML files,
$ find _example/ -name "*.html" -delete
and then run the convert command again.
$ ciigo -template ./_example/html.tmpl convert ./_example/
2025/01/06 19:28:17 convertFileMarkups: converting _example/sub/index.adoc
2025/01/06 19:28:17 convertFileMarkups: converting _example/index.adoc
Run the serve
command again to preview our new generated HTML files,
$ ciigo serve ./_example/
2025/01/06 19:36:07 ciigo: starting HTTP server at for "./_example"
You can see now that the new template rendered, with "ciigo" in the top-left as tile and a "Sub" menu at the top-right.
The "ciigo serve" command able to watch for new changes on markup files and convert it automatically to HTML without need to run "convert" manually.
Lets run the serve command again on _example directory,
$ ciigo serve ./_example/
2025/01/06 19:46:54 ciigo: starting HTTP server at for "./_example"
Create new directory "journal" under "_example",
$ mkdir -p ./_example/journal/
Inside the "journal" directory, create new file "index.adoc" with the following content,
= My Journal
Hello world!
Go back to the browser and open and we should see new HTML page generated with the above content.
Each time we refresh the browser, ciigo will check if the markup file is updated and then convert it automatically to HTML and return it to browser.
Another way to trigger ciigo to rescan for new markup files is by creating or updating file ".ciigo_rescan" inside the content directory. In the above example, by creating file "_example/.ciigo_rescan".
Lets try updating the "journal/index.adoc" into
= My Journal
Hello ciigo!
and create or update the ".ciigo_rescan",
$ touch _example/.ciigo_rescan
and when we refresh the browser, we should see the page being updated.
Once we have write the content as we like, we can deploy the generated HTML files and other assets files to the server.
For example, using rsync(1)
we can deploy the "_example/" excluding the
hidden files (start with ".") and files with extension ".adoc", ".md", and
".tmpl"; by issuing the following command,
$ rsync --exclude='.*' \
--exclude='*.adoc' --exclude='*.md' --exclude='*.tmpl' \
--recursive --archive \
_example/ \
Using ciigo as library means you do not need to install the ciigo program itself, but you write a Go code by importing the ciigo module into your own program.
This model gives flexibility. You can adding custom functions, custom HTTP endpoints, and many more.
For an example on how to use ciigo as library see the code at internal/cmd/ciigo-example.
That's it, happy writing! - Link to the source code. - Link to development and discussion. - Link to submit an issue, feedback, or request for new feature. - Go module documentation.
Change log - Log of each releases.
This software is licensed under GPL 3.0 or later.
Copyright 2022 Shulhan [email protected]
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see