This repository contains my personal VS Code/Cursor editor configuration files, including settings, extensions, and keybindings.
: Main editor settings and preferencesextensions.json
: List of installed VS Code extensionskeybindings.json
: Custom keyboard shortcutssyncLocalSettings.json
: Settings Sync configuration
- Theme: One Dark Pro Darker
- Font: JetBrains Mono Light with ligatures
- Material Icon Theme with React/Redux pack
- Custom GraphQL syntax highlighting
- ESLint configuration for JavaScript/React
- Various Performance Optimizations
- Improved GraphQL syntax highlighting
- Git integration with GitLens
- Large file optimizations enabled
- TypeScript server memory limit: 8096MB
- File watcher exclusions for common build directories
- Disable Semantic Highlighting
Code Quality & Style
- ESLint
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- GraphQL
Git & Collaboration
- GitLens
- GitHub Pull Requests
- Settings Sync
Themes & Icons
- One Dark Pro
- Material Icon Theme
- A-File Icon
- Default shell: zsh
- Font: MesloLGS NF
- Image support enabled
- Sticky scroll enabled
- Shell integration enabled
Custom token colors for GraphQL:
- Type definitions: #e5c07b
- Variables and built-in types: Underlined
- Clone this repository
- Copy the configuration files to your VS Code/Cursor user settings directory
- Install the listed extensions
- Restart your editor
Some settings might be specific to macOS. Adjust paths and settings according to your operating system and preferences.