NB! The creator of this fix is not responsible if something will go wrong during install,or for any issues that arise on your OS/hardware.This fix is distributed under GPL 3.0 license.This tutorial is meant for enthusiasts,tinkerers and gamers who want the the game to work and are not affraid to take the risk of learning some new stuff in the process.
1.*Install and launch Morrowind at least once,set all settings to desired levels
2.*Open Regedit
3.*Find this Entry in the registry
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind
4.*Find "Screen Height" and "Screen Width"
5.*Change the circle-tick from "Hexadecimal" to "Decimal" for both the Screen Width and Height
*Set Height Decimal to 1080
*Set Width Decimal to 1920
6.*Don't modify any game settings after that