NB! The creator of this fix is not responsible if something will go wrong during install,or for any issues that arise on your OS/hardware.This fix is distributed under GPL 3.0 license.This tutorial is meant for enthusiasts,tinkerers and gamers who want the the game to work and are not affraid to take the risk of learning some new stuff in the process.
FHD Fix For Return To Castle Wolfenstein How to fix to FHD
Download Return To Castle Wolfenstein WideScreen Fix
Extract anywhere
Copy/Paste into your Return To Castle Wolfenstein Steam or GoG directory
Set the resolution to 1920x1080 in game settings
Launch the game at least once then exit.
Find the file wolfconfig.cfg in the game isntall directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\Main
Modify the following values in wolfconfig.cfg to:
- seta r_customaspect "1"
- seta r_customheight "1080" (where 1080 or anything else is your desired vertical resolution)
- seta r_customwidth "1920" (where 1920 or anything else is your desired horizontal resolution)
- seta r_mode "-1"
- Enjoy!