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[5.0.0] - 2022-07-08

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@ermshiperete ermshiperete released this 24 Aug 21:10
· 42 commits to master since this release


  • option LocalizationManager.ThrowIfManagerDisposed to not throw if LM disposed (BL-9904)
  • XliffBody.TransUnitsUnordered for where you just need to enumerate all of them.
  • (Made public) XliffBody.AddTransUnit and .RemoveTransUnit for where you need to modify.
  • XliffBody.TransUnitsForXml. This is necessarily public to support (backwards-compatible)
    serialization and deserialization in XML, but is not intended for any other purpose.


  • remove progress dialog when initializating Xliff localization managers (BL-11157)
  • Made string retrieval operations on Xliff-based LocalizationManagers thread-safe
  • Added ILocalizationManager parameter to StringsLocalizedHandler
  • It's long been a convention that xliff file names are module.lang.xlf (e.g.,
    or else kept in language-code folders (.../en/Bloom.xlf) if UseLanguageCodeFolders is set.
    With the latest changes, this is required: the language name indicated in these ways in the file
    name must match the language declared in the target-language attribute, or at least match the
    first element of the target-language (e.g., a file with target-languge es-ES may be stored in
    file like or .../es/Bloom.xlf).
  • Progress dialogs are no longer shown when initializing XLIFF-based LocalizationManagers.
  • Made it possible for caller to specify the file extension of the "original" executable file
    when constructing an XLIFF-based LocalizationManager.
  • Changed the way the "original" attribute is set in XLIFF files. It used to be based on the
    Name, but changed it to use Id instead.
  • Added optional owner parameter to methods that show dialog boxes so that they can be
    displayed centered on a parent window (and not appear off-screen).


  • XliffBody.TransUnits, as there is no good way to make this thread-safe for all the ways
    it could be used, such as adding items to the list. (See Added for replacements.)