Neighborhood analysis and plotting functions for CellTrek obj
- 6/20/2022
- function_CellTrek_neighbor_edge.R -> function_CellTrek_Graph_edge.R
- function_CellTrek_plot.R -> function_CellTrek_Plot_helper.R
- function_CellTrek_spatial.r -> function_CellTrek_MakePlotObject.R
- function_CellTrek_neighbor_plot.r a few function seemed redundent.
- merge with function_CellTrek_neighbor_profile.R Need to review and clean
- function_CellTrek_wrapper.R -> function_CellTrek_coexpression.R
- Created New folder structure
- Make CellTrek ST plot and connnect each dot by edges of Delaunay graph
MakeDelaunayPlot(obj = result_list_celltrek$cell_type_Abbr$W12_M, cell_column = cell_column,
cell_plot = c('PT(dual_identity)','PT(S3)','PT(S1+S2)'),
palette = col_cell_type, vertex.size = 1.5)
NOTE: Current version haven't consider maximum neighborhood distance
- Delany triangulation and make graph using iGraphGetAllNeighbors
- Get n-hop, n-order neighborGetNeighborByIdent
- Get n-hop, n-order neighbor using ident in the celltrek obj
- Make Neighborhood plot. support bar or matrix
cell_column = 'cell_type_Abbr' # Column for the cell type
celltype_plt = c('PT(dual_identity)','PT(S1+S2)','PT(S3)') # remove this value if want to plot All cell types
obj_graph = MakeCellTrekDelaunayGraph(celltrek_obj)
MakeCellNeighborhoodRatioPlot(obj = celltrek_obj,
obj_graph = obj_graph,
cell_column = cell_column,
plot_type = 'bar',
celltype_plt = celltype_plt)
NOTE: This is order 3 (3 hops) neighborhood cell type proportion