Javascript and PHP country with states array
There will be mistakes!
Places like scottland use GB for the iso 2 code, which conflicts with wales and the United Kingdom so all the regions/states are listed under United Kingdom.
Only USA has state 2 didget codes so far.
Country and State names may have spelling errors.
If you want to help pick a country you live in and correct it.
["CountryName","ISO-2 CODE","ISO 3 CODE","UN CODE",[ ["ISO 2 State Code","State/Region"] ]],
Example: ["United States of America","US","USA","840",[ ["AL","Alabama"] ]],
// Get select options for a pulldown for all the countries
function countrySelect(){
var o = '';
for(var i=0;i<cs.length;i++){ o += '' + cs[i][0] + ''; }
return o;
// Get pulldown list for a countries states/regions Pass: ( Country )
function stateSelect(s){
var o = '';
for(var i=0;i<cs.length;i++){
if(s == cs[i][1]){
for(var ii=0;ii<cs[i][4].length;ii++){ o += '' + cs[i][4][ii][1] + ''; }
return o;
// Verify the selected state/region exists for a perticular country. Pass: ( Country, State )
function verifyState(s,ss){
for(var i=0;i<cs.length;i++){
if(s == cs[i][1]){
for(var ii=0;ii<cs[i][4].length;ii++){ if(cs[i][4][ii][1]==ss){return true;} }
return false;
Converting from a javascript array to your language or database with a script shouldn't be that difficult as this is just a basic array.