Releases: sjkp/heatmap
Increased number of data points
I just increased the number of data points that the visual can handle to 30000 which is the current maximum supported by powerbi without dynamically loading the data. If people have a need to support even more points let me know and I will investigate if dynamical data loading is something that would work for this visual.
Support for dynamic background
Support for dynamic background images.
Data will be categorized by the category column and the first image url from the Background column within the category will be used as background image. If nothing is specified as the background data, then the static background will be used as before.
See heatmaptest.pbix for an example.
Bug fixes
Auto intensity and percentage scale
Minor fix
Update to API v1.2.0
Update to the latest API.
Updated heatmap to the new visuals tools
This release uses the new powerbi-visuals-tools, which makes it considerable easier for other to fork the repo and improve the visual.