Hi! My name is Miklós, and I finished my studies in BSc Computer Science Engineering. I am Junior level Software Developer. Currently entering the job market.
I will pursue further studies in either MSc Computer Science Engineering or MSc Electrical Engineering. Afterwards I'll earn my PhD.
My firm belief is that studying outside of university is what got me here today, as most of what I know is either self-taught or has been taught to me by others through my own effort on asking them the right questions, and naturally them being kind by patiently explaining it to me.
These are my interests within the field:
- Analog Electronics, Soldering, PCB design, Electronics Theory
- Amateur Radio
- 3D Printing, 3D Modelling
- Programming, Rust, C/C++
- Low-Level Engineering, Digital Electronics, Computer Architecture
- Mathematics, Physics for applied sciences
Interests outside of the field:
- Welding, Carpentry / Woodworking
- Cooking
- Proper excercise, Yoga, Weightlifting, Cardio and Running
- Finished a guessing game in Java
- Finished Hangman in Java
- Introduced myself to REST API, learned about CRUD
- Learnt about HTTP requests, network basics, keen on furthering study regarding networking skills
- Finish a clean implementation of a HTTP 1.0 server in C
- Compile list of future programming projects
- Finish Rust Book
- Finish Rustlings
- Finish my BFO metal detector
- Establish my website as usable
- Enter the job market and move out <3
- Establish my own hand-built radio station by the end of 2025
- Finish Tanenbaum's 3 core books on: Computer Architecture, Networking, Operating Systems
- Implement order on my bookshelves
- With a stable income, build a glasshouse by hand
- With a stable income, build a brick smoker/grill/oven by hand
- Build the campfire generator circuit
- Design the campfire sound effect circuit, create a custom light panel for display, model the enclosure for it
- Fully plan out Dogscillator, an RX/TX circuit pair which is a vibration-based device for deaf dogs