A sensor that keeps track of SA fuel pricing in home assistant.
Download sa_fuel_pricing to custom_components folder within the /config directory of home-assistant
debug - (true or false) additional information printed to logger
token_id - request from https://www.safuelpricinginformation.com.au/publishers.html
fuel_station_site_ids - 1 or more station_site_id: fuel_type_id
Run "print_fuel_station_ids.py" from custom_components/sa_fuel_pricing
sample output:
site_id || Station Name || Address
(61501683) || 24 Seven Blanchetown || 8657 Sturt Highway
|- 2 - Unleaded
|- 3 - Diesel
|- 4 - LPG
|- 8 - Premium Unleaded 98
(61501678) || 24 Seven Keith || 14 Dukes Hwy
|- 2 - Unleaded
|- 3 - Diesel
|- 4 - LPG
|- 8 - Premium Unleaded 98
debug: true
token_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- 61501126: 5
- 61501126: 8
default: info
custom_components.sa_fuel_pricing: debug