Contao module to add custom code only for development mode. The module ships with a new settings field devMode.
Simple check if the flag is active:
\slashworks\DevMode::isActive(); // true or false
You can simple use the preventTplOutput hook to modify the page. F.e. just disable the analytics field.
// TL_ROOT/system/modules/myCustomModule/config/config.php
$GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['DevMode']['preventTplOutput'][] = array('\slashworks\DevModeCustoms', 'modifyTplOutput');
// TL_ROOT/system/modules/myCustomModule/classes/DevModeCustoms.php
namespace slashworks;
class DevModeCustoms {
public function modifyTplOutput($objPage, $objLayout, $objPageRegular)
$objLayout->analytics = false;
// Don`t forget to run the auto load creator ;)