This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 17, 2024. It is now read-only.
Big update, lots of fixes, new features, enhanced features, cleaned up output, you name it, this one has it! Huge usability and processing improvements, with a focus on large bulk processing actions, and with -g globbing option, running bulk actions on a subset of directories.
See acxi.changelog for full details:
New features and main fixes:
- Output is much cleaner, with irrelevant parts removed, indentations cleaned up for much better bulk processing output.
- Error handlers and validation were improved, and cleaned up, and refactored a bit to make easier to maintain, and to make logic easier to follow.
- New feature: --duplicates/--dupes - detect duplicate flac ffp hash signatures in collection, helps to locate repeated recordings under different names etc, and to find repeated tracks within a recording.
- New feature: --analyze/-Z - do basic flac analsys, time per track, size per track, average kbs per track, and also summary totals for directory containing the flacs. Verbosity options -v2,3 wrap to key: value pair per line, and add more items.
- New feature: --source-glob/-g - invaluable for working on blocks of recordings within a larger set, allows globbing patterns to be applied to the primary --source, and then for the supported actions (almost all except -E and ---clean) to only be carried out on those recording directories. Note -v2 also activates ffp hash in output.
- Enhanced feature: --checksum-ffps/--ffps - short form, and enhanced, for printout out all ffps in requested block/directory of recordings.
- New feature: --resample, and --resample-override - finally, allows for resampling for example 24 bit, 96khz sampling rate flacs to 16:48 for example. See changelog or man page for explanations. Run -Z first to find what the flacs really are, then use the appropriate resampling rate/bit depth.
- Man, help menu updates for new features, cleanups, made output nicer and easier to parse and read.
- Code: ongoing refactors, cleanups, etc. Created several new classes/packages for new features, which were cluttering up Autotag and Checksum packages. That helped enable some of the new features as well.