Public content aimed to help for Azure challenges
- AI for Beginners (this one
- Data Science for Beginners
- IoT for Beginners
- Mastering GitHub Copilot for AI Paired Programming
- ML for Beginners
- NEW Cybersecurity for Beginners
- Web Dev for Beginners
- XR Development for Beginners
Several links that can help defining / documenting architectural high level diagrams
Several links that help you maintain/manage your Azure environment
Several initiatives that could help getting around common challenges
PSDocs PowerShell to deploy Search
Script that can generate (simple) documentation from your Azure DevOps Yaml pipeline. It will describe the parameters/variables and per stage all the used steps/jobs/tasks. Each type of activity is described using a description defined in keywords.json.
Additional features that could be added:
Multi language support for keywords
Description tag of yaml
Preparation steps
- Retrieve entire Yaml
- Run a pipeline
- Download logs
- Look for azure-pipelines-expanded.yaml
note: You can expand this script by using the Yaml schema, this is however a schema that I couldn't get prompted, this is why the keywords.json is used for descriptions. Retrieve your organization schema:
- Retrieve entire Yaml
Generation steps Script (5-dec-2024: yaml2md.v03.ps1
Run this script (without parameters):
- .\yaml2md.v03.ps1
Run this script (with parameters):
- .\yaml2md.v03.ps1 -YamlPath "mycoolpipeline.yaml" -OutputPath "" -KeywordsPath "keywords.json"
Script that helps to migrate from CARML to AVD (mainly prepares the structure - note that this is time specific - this version might be suited at the moment you are working on this)
CARML Upgrade script (can be discussed upon request)
- added bicep CARML upgrade script for the old structure (Feb 2023) -> to the latest structure (Feb 2024)
- Note that Bicep is undergoing changes towards Azure Verified Modules
- Note tha this script only corrects the structure, not the content
- Plural to single (policies --> policy)
- Microsoft.AAD --> AAD
- Deploy.bicep --> Main.bicep
- Pascal case to '-' dash separated lower case (e.g. DataFactory --> data-factory