Convert a string to an integer
Find the position of a target value (a key) in a sorted vector using a binary search
Binary tree
A circular buffer (or ring buffer) using an array
Find the longest compound word in a list that is a concatenation of other words in the list
Count the number of bits set in a 32-bit word
Print a diamond for a character between A and Z
Exercises from "C++ in Easy Steps", Mike McGrath
Generate the first 13 terms of the Fibonacci sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...
Sort a vector of values using insertion sort
Single and doubly linked lists
Multiply two matrices with dimensions m x n and n x p
Transpose a matrix
Determine if two rectangles overlap
Trivial examples using pairs
Find the median of a vector of values using quickselect
Sort a vector of values using quicksort
Reverse words and sentences
Convert Roman numerals to decimal values
Round up an integer to the next highest power of 2
Trivial signal handling
Special member functions that the compiler will automatically generate if they are used but not declared explicitly by the programmer
A stack implemented using a linked list
Trivial threading example
Trivial examples using tuples