3D Monte Carlo neutron transport
This is a 3D Monte Carlo neutron transport code developed at the University of Michigan.
called from command line as:
./a.out xml_input_filename
./a.out berpinpolyinair.xml
All simulation parameters are specified in the xml input file.
- XML input file must be located in the directory "inputfiles/".
- Cross section file (specified in xml input file) must be located in the directory "xsfiles/".
- Mesh (specified in xml input file) file must be located in the directory "meshfiles/".
Line 1: number of materials
Block 1: each entry in this block contains cross sections for a single material. Each entry contains L*G+ 6 lines.
Entry line 1: material_id
Entry line 2: fission_spectrum_1 fission_spectrum_2 … fission_spectrum_G
Entry line 3: energy_group_boundary_1 energy_group_boundary_3 … energy_group_boundary_G
Entry line 4: fission_xs_1 fission_xs_2 fission_xs_3 … fission_xs_G
Entry line 5: nu_bar_1 nu_bar_2 … nu_bar_G
Entry line 6: total_xs_1 total_xs_2 … total_xs_G
Entry line 7: sig_scat_{0, 1->1} sig_scat_{0, 2->1} … sig_scat_{0, G->1}
Entry line 8: sig_scat_{0, 1->2} sig_scat_{0, 2->2} … sig_scat_{0, G->2}
Entry line G + 6: sig_scat_{0, 1->G} sig_scat_{0, 2->G} … sig_scat_{0, G->G}
Entry line G + 7: sig_scat_{1, 1->1} sig_scat_{1, 2->1} … sig_scat_{1, G->1}
Entry line G + 8: sig_scat_{1, 1->2} sig_scat_{1, 2->2} … sig_scat_{1, G->2}
Entry line 2 * G + 6: sig_scat_{1, 1->G} sig_scat_{1, 2->G} … sig_scat_{1, G->G}
- G = total number of groups.
- L = scattering expansion.
- fission_spectrum_g: fraction of neutrons born in fission that appear in energy group g.
- energy_group_boundary_g: currently unused, can be filled with 0s. Upper bound of energy group g.
- fission_xs_g: fission cross section (NOTE: not nu_bar * fission_xs) in group g.
- nu_bar_g: average number of neutrons released by fission caused by a neutron in energy group g.
- total_xs_g: total cross section in energy group g.
- sig_scat_{l, g'->g}: l-th Legendre polynomial moment of the scattering cross section from group g' to g. The (2 * l + 1) factor may be included in the value of the cross section or not, THOR can handle both cases. It needs to be specified separately every time.
All output files are written to the "outfiles/" directory
- Mesh tally file (filename specified in xml input file)
- Timing results file (filename specified in xml input file)
- Mesh tally xml-style VTK file (filename specified in xml input file)
- VTK files can be opened with ParaView. ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application. You can download Paraview here.