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[FEM.Elastic] Start unification of tetra FF and division of tests #1748

[FEM.Elastic] Start unification of tetra FF and division of tests

[FEM.Elastic] Start unification of tetra FF and division of tests #1748

name: PR check - Title
- opened
- synchronize
- edited
- reopened
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.repository_owner == 'sofa-framework' }}
- name: Check Pull Request Title
id: title_check
uses: actions/github-script@v5
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
script: |
const title = context.payload.pull_request.title;
const prNumber = context.payload.pull_request.number;
const prefixPattern = /\[.*\]/;
const endPattern = /\.$/;
valid = true;
commentExplain = "";
// Check if the PR does starts with a prefix []
if (!prefixPattern.test(title)) {
core.setFailed('Pull request title should provide a prefix scope, e.g. [MechanicalLoad]');
commentExplain = commentExplain + "- PR title should provide a prefix scope, e.g. [MechanicalLoad]<br>"
valid = false;
// Check if a "." is closing the title
if (endPattern.test(title)) {
core.setFailed('Pull request title should not end with a "."');
commentExplain = commentExplain + "- PR title should not end with a '.'<br>"
valid = false;
// Add comment in the PR to warn the author
if (!valid) {
const comment = ':warning: :warning: :warning:<br>@' + context.payload.pull_request.user.login + ' your PR title is not following the required format :pencil2:<br>'+commentExplain+':warning: :warning: :warning:';
issue_number: prNumber,
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
body: comment