a lazy-loading, fancy-slicable iterable
Think of it like a generator that is "reusable" and has a length.
Please see the documentation for examples and an API reference.
On any platform, use pip or conda.
pip install slicerator
conda install -c conda-forge slicerator
from slicerator import Slicerator
class MyLazyLoader:
def __getitem__(self, i):
# this method will be wrapped by Slicerator, so that it accepts slices,
# lists of integers, or boolean masks. Code below will only be executed
# when an integer is used.
# load thing number i
return thing
def __len__(self):
# do stuff
return number_of_things
# Demo:
>>> a = MyLazyLoader()
>>> s1 = a[::2] # no data is loaded yet
>>> s2 = s1[1:] # no data is loaded yet
>>> some_data = s2[0]