Website for selling learning packages with Zarinpal payment gateway and a brief management panel
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The project “LMS” is a responsive website made with Asp.Net MVC Technology using
C#, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax, and EntityFramework.
⚡️ implementation of ZarinPal payment gateway
⚡️ Panel for website (Login System with Session handling)
⚡️ with Database file
- Restore DB in SQL Server from the DB file
in root of repository - Open LMS Solution in Visual Studio and build the project
- Execute (F5) to run. Browser will throw Home page of website
- Open hamidiabetSite Solution in Visual Studio and build the project
- Execute (F5) to run. Browser will show Homepage of website (the picture of homepage is end of this readme)
- you can go to panel ( add to url
) in Login form enter username and password as admin
✔️ Admin Url: ./admin
✔️ Admin Username: "username"
✔️ Password : "password"\
- Visual studio app,Sql server app
- Asp.Net MVC, C#, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax, and EntityFramework
✔️ Download and install zarinpal package from NuGet. ✔️ controller for handling this scenario in Homecontroller: code
- create and send request with
- Catch Authority
- save factor and Authority in DB
- redirect user to zarinpal StartPay page with authority
✔️ a unique identification number attached to a business that tells the payment processing systems involved in a transaction where to send which funds\
description = "Buying a bronze package";
mobile = "+989121212121" ;
email = "[email protected]";
price = 1000;
string merchant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["merchant"];
string Authority = "";
zarinpal.PaymentGatewayImplementationServicePortTypeClient zp = new zarinpal.PaymentGatewayImplementationServicePortTypeClient();
int Status = zp.PaymentRequest(merchant, price, description, email, mobile, "http://our_website_name/result", out Authority);
if (Status == 100)
var db = new DataAccessDataContext();
var dt = new DateTime();
dt = DateTime.Now;
var factor = new factorTbl();
factor.Authority = Authority;
factor.description = explain; = email;
factor.fullName = fullName;
factor.hostDomain = hostDomain; = mobile;
factor.packetTitle = description;
factor.regDate = dt;
factor.price = price;
Response.Redirect("" + Authority);
- after payment by user, zarinpal send authority and payment status to server(call OrderResult in Homecontroller)
- server send request to zarinpal to get RefID(validate transaction)
- save RefID in DB
public ActionResult OrderResult()
if (Request.QueryString["Status"].ToString().Equals("OK"))
long RefID;
System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
zarinpal.PaymentGatewayImplementationServicePortTypeClient zp = new zarinpal.PaymentGatewayImplementationServicePortTypeClient();
string merchant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["merchant"];
var Authority = Request.QueryString["Authority"].ToString();
var db = new DataAccessDataContext();
var fac = db.factorTbls.Single(c => c.Authority == Authority);
int Status = zp.PaymentVerification(merchant, Authority, fac.price, out RefID);
if (Status == 100)
model.Result.isError = false;
model.Result.message = "عملیات پرداخت با موفقیت انجام شد";
model.Result.value = RefID + "";
fac.RefID = RefID + "";
return View("OrderResult", model as object);
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