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A high-performance React component for building Excel-like spreadsheets with advanced features.

A light weight component to Render large lists of input boxes in the table using React JS, Render a table with a large number of rows and columns. Able to render 1Lakh+ input boxes in react, A quick solution for web based spreadsheet or excel.

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  • Blazing Fast Rendering: Handles large datasets efficiently (1Lakh+ input boxes).
  • Comprehensive Calculation Engine: Supports complex formulas and calculations. (= 2 * A2 + (B2 * C4))
  • Rich Formatting Options: Customize cell appearance with bold, italic, underline, and more.
  • Undo, Redo actions.
  • Calculations Support, value should starts with "="
  • Select Multiple cells
  • Intuitive Keyboard Navigation: Navigate and edit cells effortlessly.
  • Delete values in selected cells.
  • Customizable header values - (Do not pass numbers in header values, will affect calc)
  • Resize columns
  • Can Use as a Spreadsheet or Excel with react
  • Flexible Data Management: Import, export, and manipulate data.
  • Customizable Headers and Columns: Tailor the spreadsheet to your application.
  • Read-Only Mode: Protect data from accidental modifications.
  • CSV Export: Easily share data in a common format.
  • Sticky Headers: Keep headers visible while scrolling.
  • 100% Unit Test Coverage: Ensures reliability and stability.
  • JSON based SpreadSheet



Getting Started

Input data format

  [{"value": 1},{"value": 1},{"value": "a"},{"value": "b"},{"value": "d"}]
npm install react-spread-sheet-excel


import React, { useRef, useState } from "react";
import Sheet, { SheetRef } from "react-spread-sheet-excel";

//Create dummy data.
const createData = (count?: number) => {
  const val: any[][] = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < (count || 500) ; i++) {
      Array.from({ length: count || 30 }, () => ({
        value: "",
  return val;

function App() {
  const [state] = useState<any[][]>(createData());
  const childRef = useRef<SheetRef>(null);

  const onChange = (i: number, j: number, value: string) => {
    //Do not try to update state with this action, it will slow down your application
    console.log(`Value Updated at ${j}, ${j}`, value);

  const getData = () => {
    console.log("Updated Data", childRef?.current?.getData()); 

  //Generate CSV
  const exportCSV = () => {
    childRef?.current?.exportCsv("myCsvFile", false);

  return (
        <button onClick={getData}>Get Updated data</button>
        <button data-testid="csv-export" onClick={exportCSV}>Export CSV data</button>
        <Sheet data={state} onChange={onChange} ref={childRef} />

export default App;


Prop Description Default Mandatory type
data Array of array with values (matrix) [[]] No any[][]
onChange Calls when a change is detected in input boxes, Do not set render component when value changes, the component should be uncontrolled No
resize show column resize option false No boolean
hideXAxisHeader Show serial numbers in X axis false No boolean
hideYAxisHeader Show serial numbers in Y axis false No boolean
headerValues array of header values, Number in header values could affect calculations alphabets No string[]
hideTools Hide tools false No boolean

Ref (API's)

Ref Description Params
getData Get updated data from sheet
setData Set new data to sheet [{ value: string; styles?: {[key: string]: string}}, ...]
exportCsv Export to CSV filename: (Mandatory), IncludeHeaders (default false)

Try here




Benchmark: Rendered 1000 rows and 100 columns in mills. Optimization Techniques: Global state, Lazy loading.

Sojin Antony

"Buy Me A Coffee"


  • React-intersection-observer