If your day is feeling a little dry feel free to take a sip of Life Juice.
The goal that we were trying to achive while making Life Juice was to create a UI that when interacted with, would provide the user with joy, wisdom, or a random famous quote. The first thing that we did while drafting our idea was create a couple user stories and make a basic scetch of the site that we wanted.
AS a user I want a webpage
that will provide me with a quote
SO THAT I can apply the quote to my
new instagram post.
GIVEN a screen with button options
WHEN I select the "quotes" button
THEN I am presented with an inspirational quote.
AS a user I want a webpage
that will provide me with a joke
SO THAT I can have a laugh
GIVEN a screen with button options
WHEN I select the "jokes" button
THEN I am presented with a joke and a few seconds later
the punch line.
Following this we decided where we were strong or weak and what tasks we would be taking up as our primary focus.