Welcome to wings-sanic README file.
The wings-sanic is a lightweight python framework aimed at making it as simple as possible to document your Sanic API with Swagger UI, Plus param validation and model serialization.
The wings-sanic(required Python3.7+
) is lightweight python framework for sainc. This framework provides:
- declarative generation of http handler interfaces by parsing function annotations
- validation and serialization to and from a json.
- validation and serialization to and from native python objects.
- validation and serialization from complex object.
- autodocumentation of all handlers generated by this way, via swagger.
- publish and handle event(message)
$ pip install wings-sanic
if you want publish or handle event(message) and use the default mq-server(rabbitmq), you need install third pkg aioamqp
import wings_sanic
from wings_sanic import application, settings, event, utils
# ----------- user settings -------------
dev_settings = {
'response_shape': 'wings_sanic.views.ResponseShapeCodeDataMsg'
'default': {
'server': 'wings_sanic.mq_servers.rabbitmq_server.MqServer',
'url': 'amqp://guest:[email protected]:5672/test',
'exchange': 'test',
'reconnect_delay': 5.0
'info': {
"version": '1.0.0',
"title": 'Authors API'
'schemes': ['http']
'HTTP_PORT': 8080,
'DEBUG': True,
'DEV': True,
'CORS': True
authors_db = {
1: {'name': '张三', 'phone': '17788661234', 'id': 1, 'password': '123456'}
def get_author_id():
author_id = getattr(get_author_id, 'author_id', 1) + 1
setattr(get_author_id, 'author_id', author_id)
return author_id
class Author(wings_sanic.Serializer):
id = wings_sanic.IntField('Id', read_only=True)
name = wings_sanic.StringField("姓名", required=True)
phone = wings_sanic.PhoneField('电话', required=True)
password = wings_sanic.StringField('密码', required=True, write_only=True)
authors = wings_sanic.WingsBluePrint('authors', url_prefix='api/authors')
@authors.get('/', response_serializer=Author(many=True))
async def list_authors(request, *args, **kwargs):
return authors_db.values()
@authors.post('/', body_serializer=Author(), response_serializer=Author())
async def create_author(request, body, *args, **kwargs):
author_id = get_author_id()
body['id'] = author_id
authors_db[author_id] = body
await event.publish(event.DomainEvent('AuthorCreated', **body))
return body
path_params={'author_id': wings_sanic.IntField('作者Id')},
async def author_detail(request, author_id, *args, **kwargs):
return authors_db.get(author_id, None)
def handle_author_created(evt):
# --------------------- main -----------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
Run and then you can get swagger documents by browser http//:
You can start a project from template_main
More, a sample project prepared for you.