This repository was archived by the owner on Apr 27, 2023. It is now read-only.
Releases: sopt-makers/soptamp-android
Releases · sopt-makers/soptamp-android
What's Changed
- 📝 Add document and license by @l2hyunwoo in #109
- docs: add l2hyunwoo as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #111
- docs: add sery270 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #113
- docs: add jinsu4755 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #112
- :docs: update docs by @l2hyunwoo in #114
- Update flipper to v0.185.0 by @renovate in #115
- Update flipper to v0.186.0 by @renovate in #117
- fix: 반환타입 Response인 Service 인터페이스에 대하여 유효성 검사 로직 추가 by @hansh0101 in #118
- docs: add hansh0101 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #119
- 🐛 미션 작성과 관련된 서버통신/UI 에러 수정 by @l2hyunwoo in #121
- 2차 QA 반영 by @l2hyunwoo in #122
- 회원가입 화면 기능 구현 by @l2hyunwoo in #126
- [feature/ranking-qa] by @l2hyunwoo in #127
New Contributors
- @allcontributors made their first contribution in #111
- @hansh0101 made their first contribution in #118
Full Changelog: 0.9.0...1.0.0
What's Changed
- [feature/dependency-config] Version Catalog 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #2
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #1
- Update dependency to v0.27.1 by @renovate in #3
- Update dependency to v31.1.0 by @renovate in #7
- [feature/github-workflow] Github workflow 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #8
- [feature/mavericks-config] Mavericks Configuration by @l2hyunwoo in #9
- [feature/design-system] Design System Configuration by @l2hyunwoo in #11
- Update gradleplugin to v7.3.1 by @renovate in #10
- [feature/logo-configuration] SOPTAMP Logo Configuration by @l2hyunwoo in #12
- [feature/util-annotation-add] MultiFormFactorPreviews 추가 by @l2hyunwoo in #13
- Update dependency gradle to v7.6 by @renovate in #14
- Update dependency to v0.28.0 by @renovate in #17
- Update flipper to v0.175.0 by @renovate in #18
- Update dependency com.facebook.soloader:soloader to v0.10.5 by @renovate in #19
- Update flipper to v0.176.0 by @renovate in #20
- 디자인 시스템, Color 추가 by @jinsu4755 in #22
- Update dependency to v31.1.1 by @renovate in #24
- feat: 전체에서 사용될 에셋 추가 by @jinsu4755 in #26
- Update flipper to v0.176.1 by @renovate in #28
- [Feature/mission component] 미션 컴포넌트 제작 by @jinsu4755 in #27
- [feature/mission-detail] 미션 상세 화면 제작 by @l2hyunwoo in #25
- Feature/mission list by @jinsu4755 in #29
- Update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit to v1.1.5 by @renovate in #32
- Update dependency androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.5.1 by @renovate in #33
- [feature/net-module] 네트워크 모듈 쪽 Config by @l2hyunwoo in #35
- [feature/mission-api] Mission 도메인 쪽 API 설정 by @l2hyunwoo in #36
- [feature/new-remote-mission-list] 미션 리스트 서버 통신 by @l2hyunwoo in #37
- Feature/ranking 랭킹 뷰 구현 내용 by @jinsu4755 in #38
- [feature/navigation-config] Navigation Library Config by @l2hyunwoo in #39
- [feature/flipper-config] Flipper Config by @l2hyunwoo in #40
- [Feature/signup/presentation] 회원가입 presentation 구현 by @sery270 in #42
- [Feature/login/presentation] 로그인 presentation 구현 by @sery270 in #34
- [Feature/login&&signup] 로그인 및 회원가입 서버 통신 구현 및 뷰 모델 연결 by @sery270 in #44
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.appcompat:appcompat to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #45
- chore(deps): update gradleplugin to v7.4.0 by @renovate in #46
- fix(deps): update flipper to v0.177.0 by @renovate in #47
- [feature/detail-screen] 미션 상세 화면 연결 및 서버통신 by @l2hyunwoo in #41
- chore(deps): update google-services to v4.3.15 by @renovate in #48
- fix(deps): update dependency to v31.2.0 by @renovate in #49
- [feature/detail screen] by @l2hyunwoo in #50
- [feature/fix-navigation-issue] change ksp build sourceset by @l2hyunwoo in #51
- [Feature/signup/viewmodel] 회원가입 화면 - 뷰모델 연결 by @sery270 in #52
- fix(deps): update dependency to v1.8.0 by @renovate in #53
- [feature/change-jvmargs] 빌드 최적화 위한 jvmargs 수정 by @l2hyunwoo in #54
- 👍🏻 Bump Dependencies by @l2hyunwoo in #55
- [feature/destination] Bump Dependencies by @l2hyunwoo in #56
- chore(deps): update dependency to v1.8.0-1.0.8 by @renovate in #31
- chore(deps): update dependency to v1.8.0-1.0.9 by @renovate in #58
- [Feature/login/viewmodel] 로그인 화면 - 뷰모델 연결 by @sery270 in #57
- [feature/nunu/sharedpreference] SoptampDataStore 수정 by @l2hyunwoo in #60
- [Feature/login/sharedpreference] SoptampDataStoreModule 구성 by @sery270 in #59
- chore(deps): update ktlint to v11.1.0 by @renovate in #61
- Feature/inflate ranking by @jinsu4755 in #62
- fix: 터치 영역 > 표시 까지 확장 by @jinsu4755 in #66
- Hotfix/64 mission stamp lottie to image by @jinsu4755 in #67
- fix: 미션 디테일 필터 수정 by @jinsu4755 in #68
- Hotfix/ranking by @jinsu4755 in #69
- [feature/review-register] by @l2hyunwoo in #70
- 🚨 Fix Lint warnings and pass linter by @l2hyunwoo in #81
- chore(deps): update crashlytics to v2.9.4 by @renovate in #76
- fix(deps): update flipper to v0.182.0 by @renovate in #74
- chore(deps): update dagger-hilt to v2.45 by @renovate in #78
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.appcompat:appcompat to v1.6.1 by @renovate in #75
- fix(deps): update dependency to v6 by @renovate in #80
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8 by @renovate in #79
- chore(deps): update gradleplugin to v7.4.1 by @renovate in #71
- chore(deps): update ktlint to v11.2.0 by @renovate in #83
- 🚨 Gradle 캐시로 인한 lint 에러 수정 및 추가 린트 에러 복구 by @l2hyunwoo in #84
- fix(deps): update dependency to v31.2.2 by @renovate in #77
- ⬆️ Upgrade library dependencies by @l2hyunwoo in #86
- chore(deps): update gradleplugin to v7.4.2 by @renovate in #88
- fix(deps): update flipper to v0.183.0 by @renovate in #89
- fix(deps): update dependency to v31.2.3 by @renovate in #90
- [feature/review-register] 리뷰 등록 기능 개발 및 개발자 QA by @l2hyunwoo in #87
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.0.2 by @renovate in #91
- chore(deps): update ktlint to v11.3.1 by @renovate in #92
- 🐛 Add horizontal pager in mission detail screen by @l2hyunwoo in #93
- ♻️ 단일 파일에 다수 컴포넌트가 존재했던 부분 수정 by @l2hyunwoo in #94
- fix(deps): update lifecycle to v2.6.0 by @renovate in #95
- ✨ 스탬프 등록 기능 구현 by @l2hyunwoo in #96
- 미션 등록/수정/삭제 기능 구현 완료 및 개발자 QA by @l2hyunwoo in #97
- 🔧 Add spotless by @l2hyunwoo in #99
- 설정화면 구현 by @l2hyunwoo in #98
- 설정화면 본 화면 구현 (1 depth는 차후 PR에서) by @l2hyunwoo in #100
- [feature/edit-introduct...