A emulator for 80386 cpu that is x86 architecture as 32bit.
This emulator assumes 32bit, so it requires a binary for 32bit. This project includes a gcc for i386 under tools directory. To make a 32bit binary of test code, please use it.
First, make a 32bit binary (ex, from assembly or c file).
$ cd tests
$ make # create a 32bit binary
# -> make 'test.bin' binary
Second, make a x86 emulator program's binary.
$ cd .. # move root directory this project
$ make # create a x86 emulator program's binary
# -> make 'emux86' binary
Finally, run a emulator to read a 32bit binary.
$ ./emux86 test.bin
org 0x7c00
mov edx, 0x03f8
mov al, '>'
out dx, al
in al, dx
cmp al, 'h'
je puthello
cmp al, 'w'
je putworld
cmp al, 'q'
je fin
jmp input
mov esi, msghello
call puts
jmp mainloop
mov esi, msgworld
call puts
jmp mainloop
jmp 0
mov al, [esi]
inc esi
cmp al, 0
je putsend
out dx, al
jmp puts
db "hello", 0x0d, 0x0a, 0
db "world", 0x0d, 0x0a, 0
$ ndisasm -b 32 tests/select.bin
00000000 BAF8030000 mov edx,0x3f8
00000005 B03E mov al,0x3e
00000007 EE out dx,al
00000008 EC in al,dx
00000009 3C68 cmp al,0x68
0000000B 740A jz 0x17
0000000D 3C77 cmp al,0x77
0000000F 7412 jz 0x23
00000011 3C71 cmp al,0x71
00000013 741A jz 0x2f
00000015 EBF1 jmp short 0x8
00000017 BE3F7C0000 mov esi,0x7c3f
0000001C E813000000 call 0x34
00000021 EBE2 jmp short 0x5
00000023 BE477C0000 mov esi,0x7c47
00000028 E807000000 call 0x34
0000002D EBD6 jmp short 0x5
0000002F E9CC83FFFF jmp 0xffff8400
00000034 8A06 mov al,[esi]
00000036 46 inc esi
00000037 3C00 cmp al,0x0
00000039 7403 jz 0x3e
0000003B EE out dx,al
0000003C EBF6 jmp short 0x34
0000003E C3 ret
0000003F 68656C6C6F push dword 0x6f6c6c65
00000044 0D0A00776F or eax,0x6f77000a
00000049 726C jc 0xb7
0000004B 64 fs
0000004C 0D db 0x0d
0000004D 0A00 or al,[eax]
$ ./emux86 -q tests/select.bin
end of program.
EAX = 00000071
ECX = 00000000
EDX = 000003f8
EBX = 00000000
ESP = 00007c00
EBP = 00000000
ESI = 00007c4f
EDI = 00000000
EIP = 00000000