This script is needed to push all verified_contracts from one Sourcify to VerA database. VerA is a live database in which other entities are writing while the script is running.
- Copy and paste
and fill it appropriately.
npm run vera:push
- CURRENT_VERIFIED_CONTRACT is a variable stored in a permanent file, default 1.
- Extract N verified_contracts starting from CURRENT_VERIFIED_CONTRACT
- For each verified_contract: a. Update the CURRENT_VERIFIED_CONTRACT counter b. Get all information from verified_contracts c. Get all the FK information d. Insert all the verified_contracts dependencies (compiled_contracts,contract_deployments,contracts,code) and verified_contracts using the new ids as FKs
This daemon listens for new_verified_contract
PostgreSQL notification and sends requests to sourcify-server.
Run the following SQL queries on the Verifier Alliance database to set up the notification.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_new_verified_contract() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM pg_notify('new_verified_contract', row_to_json(NEW)::text); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER new_verified_contract_trigger AFTER INSERT ON verified_contracts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION notify_new_verified_contract();
and fill it appropriately.
npm run vera:pull
or with docker:
docker build -t sourcify-verifier-alliance .
docker run --name sourcify-verifier-alliance --env-file=.env sourcify-verifier-alliance