Full REST API Backend Server System for Food Delivery Applications. Written in go/ golang with search, auto complete and suggestive search as well. The server also utilizes different flags that can be switched on and off, depending on environment settings and testing requirements.
It is best to open up both clients with the instructions to see the project in action.
Click Here for the regular Client that contains the codes for the Backend Server
Click Here for the Client that Food Merchants use to communicate with the Server through REST APIs
The KV app was created in an attempt to solve teething customer service issues that have been affecting customer’s average order values, customer satisfaction and ultimate customer loyalty. The app used to be running on local memory but has since moved to AWS's RDS with the server powered by EC2, running on Ubuntu.
Amazon Web Services EC2 - Ubuntu
Amazon Web Services RDS - mySQL
Amazon Web Servies HTTP/HTTPS LB - load balancer
Click Here to learn more about how RESTAPI was deployed on the backend server as well as the client's
For development purposes in your own environment, use the following command once you've in the working directory
go run .
You can access the server on localhost or localhost:80 if the former doesn't work
To check if your program is ready for production, use the following command.
go run . -productionFlg
You can access the server on localhost if the former doesn't work
When production flag is activated, requests routed on port:80 will be automatically routed to port:443
If you open up chrome's dev tools, you'll see HTTP/1.1 and then see a HTTP/2 almost immedidately
go run . -productionFlg -domain www.yourdomainname.com
On an actual web server, your domain name has to be specified. HTTPS will be enabled and cerificate will be provided by; courtesy of let's encrypt
Lost API? Revoke with a simple click and lock out all clients using your old API key
Click here for a direct link to view the KVFood Server Documentation