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STScI Spring Symposium NIRCam ERS tutorial, vestigial pkill& nbs clean
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wbalmer committed May 9, 2023
1 parent 047d505 commit 716f146
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Showing 6 changed files with 337 additions and 34,737 deletions.
25 changes: 19 additions & 6 deletions README.rst
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Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ spaceKLIP 🚀🪐

spaceKLIP is a data reduction pipeline for JWST high contrast imaging. All code is currently under heavy development
and typically expected features may not be available.
and typically expected features may not be available.

Compatible Simulated Data: `Here <>`_
Compatible Simulated Data: `Here <>`_
Compatible On Sky Data: `Here <>`_

Installation Instructions
Expand All @@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ If you would like a specific branch:
git clone

From here, it is **highly** recommended that you create a unique anaconda environment to hold all of the spaceKLIP


Expand All @@ -36,17 +37,29 @@ With the anaconda environment created, move to the cloned directory and install

cd where/you/installed/the/git/repo
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

You will also need to install some other specific packages, namely:


pip install git+
pip install git+
pip install git+

Finally, and very importantly, you will need to download reference files to support the functioning of
Finally, and very importantly, you will need to download reference files to support the functioning of
the :code:`webbpsf` and :code:`webbpsf_ext`. Instructions to do this can be found at the respective package websites (`WebbPSF <>`_, `webbpsf_ext <>`_). Ensure that if you edit your .bashrc file that you reopen and close your terminal to fully apply the changes (:code:`source ~/.bashrc` or :code:`source ~/.zshrc` may also work)

spaceKLIP also makes use of the JWST Calibration Reference Data System (CRDS) and you will need to set some environment variables. Follow the instructions here for bash or zsh:
Note you do not have to install astroconda, just set the environment variables (taking care that the CRDS path you set actually exists, i.e., you may need to create the directory).

If you want to run the tutorial notebook, you will need to install jupyter:


pip install jupyter

If you want to use nested sampling to fit forward models, you will need to install pymultinest:


conda install -c conda-forge pymultinest
262 changes: 0 additions & 262 deletions spaceKLIP/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1757,265 +1757,3 @@ def planet_killer(meta, small_planet=None, recenter_offsetpsf=False,
print(' lnZ/Z0 = %.2f' % (res[key][temp]['evidence_ratio']))


def planet_killer(meta, small_planet=None, recenter_offsetpsf=False,
use_fm_psf=True, fourier=True):
Is your planet buried in the PSF of another planet, or co-incident source?
Did you already fit a PSF to the brighter object using extract_companions?
Use this function!
Function to inject negative copies of fit companions and perform
the PSF fitting on residual images.
Initial steps are very similar to extract companions, inject_fit

if hasattr(meta, "ref_obs") and (meta.ref_obs is not None) and isinstance(meta.ref_obs, (list,np.ndarray)):
sci_ref_dir = 'SCI+REF'
elif hasattr(meta, 'ref_obs_override') and meta.ref_obs_override == True:
sci_ref_dir = 'SCI+REF'
sci_ref_dir = 'SCI'

# If necessary, extract the metadata of the observations we're injecting into
if (not meta.done_subtraction):
if meta.comp_usefile == 'bgsub':
elif meta.use_cleaned:
subdir = f'IMGPROCESS/{sci_ref_dir}_CLEAN'
subdir = f'IMGPROCESS/sci_ref_dir'
basefiles = io.get_working_files(meta, meta.done_imgprocess, subdir=subdir, search=meta.sub_ext)

meta = utils.prepare_meta(meta, basefiles)
meta.done_subtraction = True # set the subtraction flag for the subsequent pipeline stages

# Loop through all directories of subtracted images.
meta.truenumbasis = {}
for counter, rdir in enumerate(meta.rundirs):
# Check if run directory actually exists
if not os.path.exists(rdir):
raise ValueError('Could not find provided run directory "{}"'.format(rdir))

# Get the mode from the saved meta file
if (meta.verbose == True):
dirparts = rdir.split('/')[-2].split('_') # -2 because of trailing '/'
print('--> Mode = {}, annuli = {}, subsections = {}, scenario {} of {}'.format(dirparts[3], dirparts[4], dirparts[5], counter+1, len(meta.rundirs)))

# Get the mode from the saved meta file.
metasave = io.read_metajson(rdir+'SUBTRACTED/MetaSave.json')
mode = metasave['used_mode']

# Define the input and output directories for each set of pyKLIP
# parameters.
idir = rdir+'SUBTRACTED/'
odir = rdir+'COMPANION_KL{}/'.format(meta.KL)
if (not os.path.exists(odir)):

# Create an output directory for the forward-modeled datasets.
odir_temp = odir+'FITS/'
if (not os.path.exists(odir_temp)):

# Loop through all concatenations.
res = {}
for i, key in enumerate(meta.obs.keys()):

ww_sci = np.where(meta.obs[key]['TYP'] == 'SCI')[0]
filepaths = np.array(meta.obs[key]['FITSFILE'][ww_sci], dtype=str).tolist()
ww_cal = np.where(meta.obs[key]['TYP'] == 'CAL')[0]
psflib_filepaths = np.array(meta.obs[key]['FITSFILE'][ww_cal], dtype=str).tolist()
hdul ='-KLmodes-all.fits')
filt = meta.filter[key]
pxsc = meta.pixscale[key] # mas
pxar = meta.pixar_sr[key] # sr
wave = meta.wave[filt] # m
weff = meta.weff[filt] # m
fwhm = wave/meta.diam*utils.rad2mas/pxsc # pix

if filt in ['F250M']:
#Don't use a fourier shift for these.

all_numbasis = []
# Loop over up to 100 different KL mode inputs
for i in range(100):
# Get value from header
# No more KL modes

meta.truenumbasis[key] = [num for num in all_numbasis if (num <= meta.maxnumbasis[key])]

if meta.KL == 'max':
if '_ADI_' in rdir:
KL = meta.adimaxnumbasis[key]
elif '_RDI_' in rdir:
KL = meta.rdimaxnumbasis[key]
elif '_ADI+RDI_' in rdir:
KL = meta.maxnumbasis[key]
KL = meta.KL

# Get the index of the KL component we are interested in
KLindex = all_numbasis.index(KL)
raise ValueError('KL={} not found. Calculated options are: {}, and maximum possible for this data is {}'.format(KL, all_numbasis, meta.maxnumbasis[key]))


# Create a new pyKLIP dataset for forward modeling the companion
# PSFs.
if meta.repeatcentering_companion == False:
centering_alg = 'savefile'
centering_alg = meta.repeatcentering_companion

if not hasattr(meta, 'blur_images'):
meta.blur_images = False

load_file0_center = meta.load_file0_center if hasattr(meta,'load_file0_center') else False

if (meta.use_psfmask == True):
mask = pyfits.getdata(meta.psfmask[key], 'SCI') #NIRCam
mask = pyfits.getdata(meta.psfmask[key], 0) #MIRI
raise FileNotFoundError('Unable to read psfmask file {}'.format(meta.psfmask[key]))
mask = None

raw_dataset = JWST.JWSTData(filepaths=filepaths, psflib_filepaths=psflib_filepaths, centering=meta.centering_alg,
scishiftfile=meta.ancildir+'shifts/scishifts', refshiftfile=meta.ancildir+'shifts/refshifts',
fiducial_point_override=meta.fiducial_point_override, blur=meta.blur_images,
spectral_type=meta.spt, mask=mask)

# Make the offset PSF
if pxsc > 100:
inst = 'MIRI'
immask = 'FQPM{}'.format(filt[1:5])
inst = 'NIRCAM'
immask = key.split('_')[-1]
if hasattr(meta, "psf_spec_file"):
if meta.psf_spec_file != False:
SED = io.read_spec_file(meta.psf_spec_file)
SED = None
SED = None
offsetpsf_func = psf.JWST_PSF(inst, filt, immask, fov_pix=65,
sp=SED, use_coeff=True,

field_dep_corr = None
psf_nocoromask = offsetpsf_func.psf_off

# Want to subtract the known companions using the fit from extract_companions()
all_seps, all_flux = [], []
# find the json file with the companions
import glob
compjson = glob.glob(odir+key+'-comp_save_fakes.json')[0]
compjson = glob.glob(odir+key+'*.json')[0]
with open(compjson, 'r') as f:
compdata = json.load(f)[key]
for comp in list(compdata.keys()):
# Get companion information
ra = compdata[comp]['ra']
de = compdata[comp]['de']
guess_flux = meta.contrast_guess
guess_flux = 2.452e-4
flux = compdata[comp]['f'] #/guess_flux #Flux relative to star
print('flux is ',str(flux))
sep = np.sqrt(ra**2+de**2) / pxsc
pa = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(ra, de))

offsetpsf = offsetpsf_func.gen_psf([-ra/1e3,de/1e3], do_shift=False, quick=False)
if meta.blur_images != False:
offsetpsf = gaussian_filter(offsetpsf, meta.blur_images)
# As the throughput of the coronagraphic mask is not incorporated into the flux
# calibration of the pipeline, the integrated flux from the actual detector pixels
# will be underestimated. Therefore, we will scale the generated PSF so that it
# is still affected by the coronagraphic throughput (i.e. fainter). Compute
# scale factor by comparing PSF simulation with and without coronagraphic mask.
scale_factor = np.sum(offsetpsf) / np.sum(psf_nocoromask)

# Normalise PSF to a total integrated flux of 1
offsetpsf /= np.sum(offsetpsf)

# Normalise to the flux of the star in this bandpass
offsetpsf *= meta.F0[filt]/10.**(meta.mstar[filt]/2.5)/1e6/pxar # MJy/sr

# Apply scaling to apply the throughput of the coronagraphic mask
offsetpsf *= scale_factor
offsetpsf *= flux #Negative flux as we are subtracting!

# Save some things

# Inject the planet as a negative source!
stamps = np.array([-offsetpsf for k in range(raw_dataset.input.shape[0])])
# fakes.inject_planet(frames=raw_dataset.input, centers=raw_dataset.centers, inputflux=stamps, astr_hdrs=raw_dataset.wcs, radius=sep, pa=pa, field_dependent_correction=None)

# Get some information from the original meta file in the run directory
metasave = io.read_metajson(rdir+'SUBTRACTED/MetaSave.json')
mode = metasave['used_mode']
annuli = metasave['used_annuli']
subsections = metasave['used_subsections']

# Reduce the companion subtracted images
if small_planet is not None:
sep = small_planet['sep']
pa = small_planet['pa']
flux = small_planet['flux']
print('using input source position')
sep = 3
pa = 120
flux = 0
ctr = 0
# make a copy of the dataset above
dataset = deepcopy(raw_dataset)

# Now run KLIP to get the subtracted image
# Sometimes faster to just use 1 thread.
odir_temp = odir+'FMMF/'
if (not os.path.exists(odir_temp)):

ra = sep*pxsc*np.sin(np.deg2rad(pa)) # mas
de = sep*pxsc*np.cos(np.deg2rad(pa)) # mas

# Need to make a new offsetpsf but can use old function
offsetpsf = offsetpsf_func.gen_psf([-ra/1e3,de/1e3], do_shift=False, quick=False)
if meta.blur_images != False:
offsetpsf = gaussian_filter(offsetpsf, meta.blur_images)
scale_factor = np.sum(offsetpsf) / np.sum(psf_nocoromask)

# Normalise PSF to a total integrated flux of 1
offsetpsf /= np.sum(offsetpsf)

# Normalise to the flux of the star in this bandpass
offsetpsf *= meta.F0[filt]/10.**(meta.mstar[filt]/2.5)/1e6/pxar # MJy/sr

# Apply scaling to apply the throughput of the coronagraphic mask
offsetpsf *= scale_factor


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