SpiderBasic-Module for using jQuery (https://jquery.com/)
IncludeFile "jQuery.sbi"
UseModule jQuery
Define Table, TableRow, TableCell
Define rowCounter, cellCounter
Table = Element("<table />") ; Create a table element
SetAttribute(Table, "border", "1") ; set the border attribute
SetCSS(Table, "background-color", "white") ; set the background-color to white
SetCSS(Table, "position", "absolute") ; set the position...
SetCSS(Table, "top", "100px")
SetCSS(Table, "left", "100px")
For rowCounter = 0 To 9 ; let's create 10 table rows
TableRow = Element("<tr />") ; create a table row element
For cellCounter = 0 To 9 ; let's create 10 table cells per row
TableCell = Element("<td />") ; create a table cell element
SetText(TableCell, "Row " + rowCounter + " / Cell " + cellCounter) ; write some text into the cell
Append(TableRow, TableCell) ; append the new cell element to the current row element
Append(Table, TableRow) ; append the new row element to the table element
Body = Element("Body") ; get the body element
Append(Body, Table) ; and append the table element to the body element
UnuseModule jQuery