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Discord Setup

spikeydragoon edited this page Sep 25, 2022 · 4 revisions

Creating your discord bot user

You have to create a discord bot user to get the token and to be able to add the bot to your discord server.

  1. You need to go to the Discord Developers section here and click Create an Application
  2. Now name your bot then hit Save Changes. If you want you can provide a picture and you can give your bot a description that will show up in the bots profile however this is not needed. The name given and picture is what will show up in your discord channel when the bot is online.
  3. On the left Click Bot then click Add bot. Confirm by clicking Yes, do it~
  4. Now you can get your bot's token by using the click to reveal token button. Note this is special and shouldn't be shared with anyone. Anyone that has this token can use it to mess with your discord server and bot. If you already gave your token to someone then go back to where it says click to reveal and click Regenerate.
  5. Paste the bot token in the _configuration.json file where it says DiscordBotToken
  6. NEW!!!! Discord now requires you to check the Message content intent option under the bot tab for it to pull in the chat from discord. If you do not check that option then it will only be able to pull your discord name and nothing else. While not required if you update discord roles often you can check the server members intent and presence intent for the bot to see a role changes faster for rcon commands.

Adding the CrossArkChat to discord

You now have to add the bot to your discord server and give it permissions.

  1. You need to go to the Discord Developers section here and click on the bot you created in the steps above.
  2. Under General Information copy the Client ID.
  3. In your browser type in Replace where it says You_Client_Id_Here with the Bot Client ID that you copied above. Example
  4. Once this page loads up select the server you want to add the bot to. Note you must have the Manage Server permission on the server you are trying to invite the bot to.
  5. Click Authorize

Getting discord channel ids

You have to enable developer mode in discord user settings to be able to get channel ids.

  1. With discord open press the user settings icon (Gear icon at bottom left of discord)
  2. Under App Settings section select the Advancedtab.
  3. Next to developer mode press the button to turn it on.
  4. Press the X to return to your discord server.
  5. Right click a discord channel and select copy id. This will put the channel id in your clipboard so you can paste it into the config file. Note you can only paste one channel id at a time.

Thats it you can now proceed with step 4 in the getting started section and set up your _configuration file.