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chore(marketplace): bump default k8s version to 1.29.10 #30

chore(marketplace): bump default k8s version to 1.29.10

chore(marketplace): bump default k8s version to 1.29.10 #30

name: Marketplace Smoketest
branches: ["main"]
branches: ["main"]
# This version should match the (forked) version of the spin-operator sub-chart
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install helm
uses: Azure/setup-helm@v4
version: v3.15.4
- name: create kind cluster
uses: helm/kind-action@v1
## Install SpinKube and verify Spin App runs
- name: helm install spinkube
run: |
helm install spinkube \
--wait \
--namespace spinkube \
--create-namespace \
--debug \
- name: run spin app
run: |
kubectl apply -f${{ env.SPIN_OPERATOR_VERSION }}/config/samples/simple.yaml
kubectl rollout status deployment simple-spinapp --timeout 90s
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl port-forward svc/simple-spinapp 8083:80 &
timeout 15s bash -c 'until curl -f -vvv http://localhost:8083/hello; do sleep 2; done'
- name: debug install
if: failure()
run: |
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl get certificate -n spinkube
kubectl logs -n spinkube -l || true
kubectl describe -n spinkube pod -l || true
kubectl logs -n spinkube -l || true
kubectl describe -n spinkube pod -l || true
kubectl logs -l || true
kubectl describe pod -l || true
- name: Verify curl
run: curl localhost:8083/hello
## Upgrade release and verify shim is re-installed
- name: delete any lingering kwasm jobs
run: kubectl -n spinkube delete job -l
- name: helm upgrade spinkube and watch for annotate and install job completions
run: |
helm upgrade spinkube \
--wait \
--namespace spinkube \
--debug \
marketplace/charts/spinkube-azure-marketplace &
timeout 30s bash -c 'until [[ "$(kubectl -n spinkube get job -l job-name=spinkube-kwasm-annotate-nodes -o json | jq '.items[].spec.completions')" == "1" ]]; do sleep 2; done'
timeout 30s bash -c 'until [[ "$(kubectl -n spinkube get job -l -o json | jq '.items[].spec.completions')" == "1" ]]; do sleep 2; done'
## Delete release
# First, verify deletion is blocked when Spin App resources exist
- name: helm delete spinkube
run: |
if helm delete spinkube --timeout 1m --namespace spinkube; then
echo "A Spin App remains on the cluster; the helm release should not have uninstalled successfully."
exit 1
kubectl logs -n spinkube -l job-name=spinkube-pre-delete | \
grep -q "There are 1 SpinApps still existing on the cluster; aborting helm release deletion."
- name: Ensure Spin app still reachable
run: curl localhost:8083/hello
- name: Ensure SpinKube resources still exist
run: |
kubectl get po -n spinkube -o name | grep -q spin-operator
kubectl get po -n spinkube -o name | grep -q kwasm-operator
kubectl get po -n spinkube -o name | grep -q cert-manager
kubectl get crd -o name | grep -q spinapp
kubectl get crd -o name | grep -q cert-manager
- name: Delete Spin App
run: kubectl delete spinapp simple-spinapp
# Now verify deletion proceeds and no resources remain
- name: helm delete spinkube
run: helm delete spinkube --timeout 1m --namespace spinkube
- name: Verify all resources are deleted
run: |
timeout 15s bash -c 'until ! kubectl get crd -o name | grep -q cert-manager; do sleep 2; done'
timeout 15s bash -c 'until ! kubectl get crd -o name | grep -q spinapp; do sleep 2; done'
timeout 15s bash -c 'until ! kubectl get ns -o name | grep -q spinkube; do sleep 2; done'
- name: debug uninstall
if: failure()
run: |
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl get crd -A
kubectl get ns -A
kubectl describe pods -A
kubectl describe crd -A
kubectl describe ns -A