A superfast SIMD powered glTF 2.0 parser written in C++17 with minimal dependencies. Unlike other glTF parsers, it does not automatically load textures and external buffers to allow the user to optimise to their liking. It does, however, load embedded data and also decodes base64 encoded buffers using high speed SIMD algorithms.
By utilising simdjson, this library can take advantage of SSE4, AVX2, AVX512, and ARM Neon.
fastgltf supports glTF 2.0:
- glTF JSON files
- GLB binary files
- Scenes, nodes, meshes
- Accessors, buffer views, buffers
- Materials, textures, images, samplers
- Animations
- Skins
- Cameras
- Morph targets, sparse accessors
- Extra data
fastgltf supports a number of glTF extensions:
- EXT_meshopt_compression
- EXT_texture_webp
- KHR_lights_punctual
- KHR_texture_basisu
- KHR_texture_transform
- KHR_mesh_quantization
- MSFT_texture_dds
fastgltf brings many utilities:
- SIMD powered base64 buffer decoder
- Can decompose transform matrices, so you only ever have translation, rotation, and scale.
- Allows writing directly to mapped GPU buffers for direct uploads, reducing copies.
fastgltf is built using C++17 and only depends on simdjson, which is downloaded automatically in the CMake script. The library is tested on GCC 9, GCC 10, Clang 12, and MSVC 14 (Visual Studio 2022) using CI. The project uses a simple CMake 3.11, and can be simply used by adding fastgltf as a subdirectory. Also, fastgltf is available from vcpkg.
#include <fastgltf_parser.hpp>
#include <fastgltf_types.hpp>
void load(std::filesystem::path path) {
// Creates a Parser instance. Optimally, you should reuse this across loads, but don't use it
// across threads. To enable extensions you have to pass them into the parser's constructor.
fastgltf::Parser parser;
// The GltfDataBuffer class is designed for re-usability of the same JSON string. It contains
// utility functions to load data from a std::filesystem::path, copy from an existing buffer,
// or re-use an already existing allocation. Note that it has to outlive the process of every
// parsing function you call.
fastgltf::GltfDataBuffer data;
// This loads the glTF file into the gltf object and parses the JSON. For GLB files, use
// fastgltf::Parser::loadBinaryGLTF instead.
auto gltf = parser.loadGLTF(&data, path.parent_path(), fastgltf::Options::None);
if (parser.getError() != fastgltf::Error::None) {
// File doesn't exist, couldn't be read, or is not a valid JSON document.
// With this call to parse you let fastgltf serialize the whole JSON document into the
// glTF data structures. If desired, you can pass OR'd category enums that will exclude
// certain glTF aspects from being loaded.
if (gltf->parse() != fastgltf::Error::None) {
// Most likely the asset does not follow the glTF spec. Though perhaps fastgltf doesn't
// handle something correctly, so please let me know.
// Optionally, you can now also call the glTF::validate method. This will more strictly
// enforce the glTF spec and is not needed most of the time, though I would certainly
// recommend it in a development environment or when debugging to avoid mishaps.
// You obtain the asset with this call. This can only be done once.
std::unique_ptr<fastgltf::Asset> asset = gltf->getParsedAsset();
All the nodes, meshes, buffers, textures, ... can now be accessed through the fastgltf::Asset
type. References in between objects are done with a single size_t
, which is used to index into
the various vectors in the asset.
In the following chapter I'll show some graphs on how fastgltf compares to the two most used glTF libraries, cgltf and tinygltf. I've disabled loading of images and buffers to only compare the JSON parsing and serialization of the glTF data. I create these graphs using a spreadsheet that you can find here. These numbers were tested using Catch2's benchmark tool on a Ryzen 5800X with 32GB of RAM using VS 2022.
First of I compared the performance with embedded buffers that are encoded with base64. This uses the 2CylinderEngine asset which contains a 1.7MB embedded buffer. fastgltf includes an optimised base64 decoding algorithm that can take advantage of AVX2, SSE4, and Neon. With this asset, fastlgtf is 7.33 times faster than tinygltf using RapidJSON and 2 times faster than cgltf.
Buggy.gltf is another excellent test subject, as it's a 15k line long JSON. This shows the raw serialization speed of all the parsers. In this case fastgltf is 2.3 times faster than tinygltf and 1.7 times faster than cgltf.
The major speedup comes from the awesome simdjson
library which can use a multitude of different SIMD intrinsics to increase JSON decoding speed. The
library really shows off at massive JSON files, by parsing around 8GB/s.
The SIMD-based base64 decoding algorithms come from Wojciech Muła, which can usually nearly triple the decoding speed with AVX2.
The fastgltf library is licensed under the MIT License.
Libraries embedded in fastgltf:
- simdjson: Licensed under Apache 2.0.
Libraries used in examples and tests: