Become a sponsor to Typesense
Typesense is a lightning-fast, open source search engine architected from the ground up for performance and ease of use.
A good way to think about Typesense is that it is an open source alternative to Algolia and an easier-to-use alternative to ElasticSearch.
About Us
We are a lean bootstrapped team of engineers passionate about making great search technology accessible to everyone. We believe that search technology choices widely available to developers today, either have a steep learning curve and a heavy operational burden, or are proprietary and expensive. We want to change that.
We are on a mission to democratize search. We want to reduce the time-to-market for developers to build a blazing-fast search experience that provides relevant results out-of-the-box, all without breaking the bank and without complexity & operational overhead.
We are a small team trying to do big things and we believe that open sourcing our work helps combine forces with our community and force-multiply our collective efforts.
Supporting Us Financially
Typesense is 100% free & open source. But for an open source project to be sustainable for the long-term, we believe that it needs to have a sustainable source of funds to keep fueling continued development. Your financial support would mean the world to us and would help make Typesense a robust product that meets your needs.
Here are a couple of ways to support us:
- Use our managed/hosted SaaS service called Typesense Cloud.
- Purchase one of our Support Plans.
- Sponsor us on Github Sponsors.
We appreciate your support on our journey to democratize search.
Featured work
Open Source alternative to Algolia + Pinecone and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch β‘ π β¨ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences
C++ 22,005 -
Instantly search 2M cooking recipes using Typesense Search (an open source alternative to Algolia / ElasticSearch) β‘ π₯ π
JavaScript 483 -
A site to instantly search 28M books from OpenLibrary using Typesense Search (an open source alternative to Algolia / ElasticSearch) β‘ π π
JavaScript 149 -
A site to instantly search 32M songs from the MusicBrainz songs database, using Typesense Search (an open source alternative to Algolia / ElasticSearch) β‘ π΅ π
JavaScript 180 -
Instantly search 1M Linux Kernel Commit Messages using Typesense Search (an open source alternative to Algolia / ElasticSearch) β‘ π» π
JavaScript 42 -
An app showing how you can use Typesense to build a full-fledged ecommerce browsing and searching experience
JavaScript 63
$10 one time
Select- Get a shoutout on Twitter for being an awesome supporter
$200 one time
Select1-hour call with a core team member to discuss your use-case and give you guidance on best practices
$5,000 one time
Select- Sponsor the development of a feature or improvement that's important to you. We will prioritize this effort and work closely with you to get your input and shape the feature / improvement (as long as it fits within the product vision).
- If requested, we will also feature your name, logo and link in our release notes.