This project containers reusable GitHub Actions Workflows to build Spring projects with Gradle or Maven. The workflows are designed for specific tasks and can be reused individually or in combinations in the target projects.
To use these workflows in your project a set of organization secrets must be granted to the repository:
The Gradle Enterprise secrets are optional: not used by Maven and Gradle project might not be enrolled for the service.
secret is also optional: probably you don't want to notify Slack about your release.
The mentioned secrets must be passed explicitly since these reusable workflows might be in different GitHub org than target project.
The SNAPSHOT and Release workflows uses JFrog CLI to publish artifacts into Artifactory.
The spring-gradle-pull-request-build.yml and spring-maven-pull-request-build.yml are straight forward, single job reusable workflows.
They perform Gradle check
task and Maven verify
goal, respectively.
The caller workflow is as simple as follows.
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You can add more branches to react for pull request events.
The SNAPSHOT workflows (spring-artifactory-gradle-snapshot.yml and spring-artifactory-maven-snapshot.yml, respectively) are also that simple.
They use JFrog CLI action to be able to publish artifacts into libs-snapshot-local
The Gradle workflow can be supplied with Gradle Enterprise secrets.
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The spring-artifactory-gradle-release.yml (and therefore spring-artifactory-maven-release.yml) workflow is complex enough, has some branching jobs and makes some assumptions and expects particular conditions on your repository:
- The versioning schema must follow these rules: 3-digit-dotted number for
parts, snapshot is suffixed with-SNAPSHOT
, milestones are with-M{number}
suffix, the GA release is without any suffix. For example:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
. - GitHub Milestone titles must be exact as the version to release number.
For example:
. - GitHub Milestones must be scheduled: have a
Due on
date set. Otherwise, release workflow will be cancelled with a warning that nothing to release for respective SNAPSHOT in a branch.
The logic of this release workflow:
- Take a SNAPSHOT version from a dispatched branch (Maven
help:evaluate -Dexpression="project.version"
and Gradlegradle properties | grep "^version:"
, respectively). The composite internal extract-release-version action is implemented for this goal - List GitHub milestones matching the candidate version and select the closest one by due on date
- Cancel workflow if no scheduled Milestone
- Call Maven or Gradle (according to the workflow choice for the project in the repository) with the release version extracted from the previous job.
This job stages released artifacts using JFrog CLI into
repository on Spring Artifactory and commitsNext development version
to the branch we are releasing against - The next job is to verify staged artifacts
- When verification is successful, next job promotes release from staging either to
(and Maven Central) according to the releasing version schema - Then spring-finalize-release.yml job is executed, which generates release notes using Spring Changelog Generator excluding repository admins from
section. Thegh release create
command is performed on a tag for just released version. And in the end the milestone is closed and specific Slack channel is notified about release (ifSPRING_RELEASE_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL
secret is present in the repository).
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Such a workflow must be on every branch which is supposed to be released via GitHub actions.
The buildToolArgs
parameter for this job means extra build tool arguments.
For example, the mentioned dist
value is a Gradle task in the project.
Can be any Maven goal or other command line arguments.
In the end you just need to go to the Actions
tab on your project, press Run workflow
on your release workflow and choose a branch from drop-down list to release currently scheduled Milestone against.
Such a release workflow can also be scheduled (cron
, fo example) against branches matrix.
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Warning The spring-artifactory-gradle-release.yml (and spring-artifactory-maven-release.yml) already uses 3 of 4 levels of nested reusable workflows. Where the caller workflow is the last one. Therefore don't try to reuse your caller workflow.
The verify-staged
job expects an optional verifyStagedWorkflow
input (the verify-staged-artifacts.yml
, by default) workflow supplied from the target project.
For example, Spring Integration for AWS uses jfrog rt download
command to verify that released spring-integration-aws-${{ inputs.releaseVersion }}.jar
is valid.
Other projects may check out their samples repository and setup release version to perform smoke tests against just staged artifacts.
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The spring-backport-issue.yml uses Spring Backport Bot to create a back-port issue according to the event configured in a caller workflow. See its documentation for labeling convention and respective GitHub events for calling this workflow.
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If Dependabot is enabled for repository, its config should set a label compatible with Spring Changelog Generator.
Typically, it is type: dependency-upgrade
It is also a good practice to group all the development dependencies into a single pull request from Dependabot.
This includes all the Gradle and Maven plugins and those dependencies which are used only for testing in the project.
This projects provides a spring-merge-dependabot-pr.yml reusable workflow to make modifications to the Dependabot pull requests.
However, there are some prerequisites to use this workflow in your project:
- Pull requests must be protected by some check to pass, usually a workflow to build the project with this pull request changes;
- The auto-merge must be enabled in the repository;
The spring-merge-dependabot-pr
workflow does these modifications to the Dependabot pull requests:
- Modify label from
to thetask
for the development dependencies group update to skip them from release notes by Spring Changelog Generator; - Adds a currently scheduled milestone to the pull request against a snapshot version extracted from the target branch;
- And if milestone is scheduled, the pull request is queued for auto-merging after required checks have passed.
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Gradle projects must not manage com.jfrog.artifactory
plugin anymore: the jf gradlec
command sets up this plugin and respective tasks into a project using JFrog specific Gradle init script.
In addition, the spring-artifactory-gradle-snapshot.yml and spring-artifactory-gradle-release-staging.yml add spring-artifactory-init.gradle
script to provide an artifactory
plugin settings for artifacts publications.
The next-dev-version-init.gradle
script also adds a nextDevelopmentVersion
task which is used when release has been staged and job is ready to push Next development version
See more information in the Reusing Workflows.