Suppose we want to define an AXI4L typedef, calling it my_axi
. Here:
Field | Used Value | Desription |
NAME | my_axi | Name for referring the AXI typedefs |
ADDR_WIDTH | 32 | Width of Address bus in AW & AR channels |
DATA_WIDTH | 64 | Width of Data bus in W & R channels |
Therefore, the macro for this would be
`AXI4L_T(my_axi, 32, 64)
And this macro expands to
typedef struct packed {
logic [32-1:0] addr ; // '32' is from 'ADDR_WIDTH'
logic [2:0] prot ;
} my_axi_aw_chan_t; // 'my_axi_aw_chan_t' is derived from 'NAME'
typedef struct packed {
logic [64/8-1:0][7:0] data ; // '64' is from 'DATA_WIDTH'
logic [64/8-1:0] strb ; // '64' is from 'DATA_WIDTH'
} my_axi_w_chan_t; // 'my_axi_w_chan_t' is derived from 'NAME'
typedef struct packed {
logic [1:0] resp ;
} my_axi_b_chan_t; // 'my_axi_b_chan_t' is derived from 'NAME'
typedef struct packed {
logic [32-1:0] addr ; // '32' is from 'ADDR_WIDTH'
logic [2:0] prot ;
} my_axi_ar_chan_t; // 'my_axi_ar_chan_t' is derived from 'NAME'
typedef struct packed {
logic [64/8-1:0][7:0] data ; // '64' is from 'DATA_WIDTH'
logic [1:0] resp ;
} my_axi_r_chan_t; // 'my_axi_r_chan_t' is derived from 'NAME'
typedef struct packed {
my_axi_aw_chan_t aw ; // 'my_axi_aw_chan_t' is from previous typedef
logic aw_valid ;
my_axi_w_chan_t w ; // 'my_axi_w_chan_t' is from previous typedef
logic w_valid ;
logic b_ready ;
my_axi_ar_chan_t ar ; // 'my_axi_ar_chan_t' is from previous typedef
logic ar_valid ;
logic r_ready ;
} my_axi_req_t; // 'my_axi_req_t' is derived from 'NAME'
typedef struct packed {
logic aw_ready ;
logic w_ready ;
my_axi_b_chan_t b ; // 'my_axi_b_chan_t' is from previous typedef
logic b_valid ;
logic ar_ready ;
my_axi_r_chan_t r ; // 'my_axi_r_chan_t' is from previous typedef
logic r_valid ;
} my_axi_resp_t; // 'my_axi_resp_t' is derived from 'NAME'