This repository contains Ansible playbooks for configuring the Node Exporter and Prometheus server
This repository contains an Ansible playbook for configuring the Node Exporter and Prometheus server to automate server and network management efficiently.
Prometheus is an open-source tool for event monitoring and alerting, written in Go. It stores metrics in a time series database using an HTTP pull model, allowing for real-time alerting with flexible queries. The Node Exporter is a Prometheus component that exposes OS and hardware metrics.
Ansible is an agentless automation and configuration tool that simplifies the deployment of Prometheus, enabling you to configure multiple servers in just a few minutes.
- Node Exporter Playbook: Configures Node Exporter on servers for scraping.
- Prometheus Server Playbook: Installs Prometheus on a designated server.
- scrape: Servers for Node Exporter configuration.
- server: Server for Prometheus installation.
: User running the Node Exporter service.node_exporter_version
: Version of the Node Exporter.scraping_port
: Port exposing the metrics.metric_path
: Path for metrics exposure.textfile_collector_directory
: Directory for manually defined metrics.
ansible-playbook node_exporter.yaml -K
- server: Server for Prometheus installation.
: User running Prometheus.prometheus_version
: Version of Prometheus.scraping_port
: Port for scraping metrics.metrics_path
: Path for scraping metrics.config_prometheus
: Configuration directory.prometheus_folder
: Installation directory.prometheus_listen_address
: Address for Prometheus UI.
ansible-playbook prometheus_server.yaml -K
Once completed, Prometheus will be installed and configured to scrape metrics from hosts in the scrape
Try these playbooks and let me know what you think. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?