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Power Board v4 Firmware

The Power Board distributes power to the SR kit from the battery. It provides six individual general-purpose power outputs along with two low current 5V power outputs.

It also holds the internal On|Off switch for the whole robot as well as the Start button which is used to start your robot code running.


Using a POSIX system, you require make, the arm-none-eabi toolchain, git and python3 version 3.7+. Before attempting to build anything initialise all the submodules.

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

To build the main binary, run:

$ make

The binary will then be at src/main.bin. This will also build the library libopencm3 the first time you run it.

This can be flashed to an attached power board that has a bootloader using:

$ make -C src dfu

To use the dfu command you need to install dfu-utils. This is a cross-platform utility.

To build the bootloader, run:

$ make -C bootloader

The bootloader binary will then be at bootloader/usb_dfu.bin

USB Interface

The Vendor ID is 1bda (University of Southampton) and the product ID is 0010.

The Power Board is controlled over USB serial, each command is its own line.

Since the serial port is virtual, the baudrate is unused and can be set to any value.

Serial Commands

Action Description Command Parameter Description Return Return Parameters
Identify Get the board type and version *IDN? - Student Robotics:PBv4B:<asset tag>:<software version> <asset tag>
<software version>
Status Get board status *STATUS? - <port overcurrents>:<temp>:<fan>:<reg voltage> <port overcurrents> - comma seperated list of 1/0s indicating if a port has reached overcurrent e.g. 1,0,0,0,0,0,0 -> <H0>,<H1>,<L0>,<L1>,<L2>,<L3>,<Reg> -> H0 has overcurrent
<temp> - board temperature in degrees celcius
<fan> - fan is running, int, 0-1
<reg voltage> - Voltage of 5 Volt regulator in mV
Reset Reset board to safe startup state
- Turn off all outputs
- Reset the lights, turn off buzzer
Start button Detect if the internal and external start button has been pressed since this command was last invoked BTN:START:GET? - <int start pressed>:<ext start pressed> <pressed> - button pressed, int, 0-1
enable/disable output Turn a power board output on or off OUT:<n>:SET:<state> <n> port number, int, 0-6
<state> int, 0-1
output on/off state Get the on/off state for a power board output OUT:<n>:GET? <n> port number, int, 0-6 <state> <state> - output state, int, 0-1
read output current Read the output current for a single output OUT:<n>:I? <n> port number, int, 0-6 <current> <current> - current, int, measured in mA
read battery voltage Read the battery voltage BATT:V? - <voltage> <voltage> - battery voltage, measured in mV
read battery current Read the global current draw BATT:I? - <current> <current> - current, int, measured in mA
Run LED Set Run LED output LED:RUN:SET:<value> <value> LED value, enum, 0,1,F (flash) ACK -
Error LED Set Error LED output LED:ERR:SET:<value> <value> LED value, int, 0,1,F (flash) ACK -
Get run LED state Get current Run LED output state LED:RUN:GET? - <value> <value> - LED value, enum, 0,1,F (flash)
Get error LED state Get current Error LED output state LED:ERR:GET? - <value> <value> - LED value, enum, 0,1,F (flash)
play note Play note on the power board buzzer
Overwrites previous note
NOTE:<note>:<dur> <note> what note to play, int, 8-10,000Hz
<dur> duration to play, int32, >0ms
get current note NOTE:GET? - <freq>:<remaining> <freq> - current tome frequency in Hz, int
<remaining> - remaining tone duration in ms, int32
Note: Both values are 0 if the buzzer is not running
Force fan on Override temperature control and runt the fan continually *SYS:FAN:SET:<value> <value> Enable/disable fan control override ACK -
enable/disable brain output Turn the brain output on or off *SYS:BRAIN:SET:<state> <state> int, 0-1 ACK -
Modify overcurrent holdoff periods *SYS:DELAY_COEFF:SET:<adc_oc>:<batt_oc>:<reg_oc>:<uvlo_oc>:<neg_batt_oc> <adc_oc> Holdoff in ms of an overcurrent reading on the individual 12V outputs, uint32
<batt_oc> Holdoff in ms of an overcurrent reading on the global input, uint32
<reg_oc> Holdoff in ms of an overcurrent reading on the 5V regulator output, uint32
<uvlo_oc> Holdoff in ms of an undervoltage reading on the global input, uint32
<neg_batt_oc> Holdoff in ms of a negative overcurrent reading on the global input, uint32
Read current overcurrent holdoff periods *SYS:DELAY_COEFF:GET? - <adc_oc>:<batt_oc>:<reg_oc>:<uvlo_oc>:<neg_batt_oc> <adc_oc> Holdoff in ms of an overcurrent reading on the individual 12V outputs, uint32
<batt_oc> Holdoff in ms of an overcurrent reading on the global input, uint32
<reg_oc> Holdoff in ms of an overcurrent reading on the 5V regulator output, uint32
<uvlo_oc> Holdoff in ms of an undervoltage reading on the global input, uint32
<neg_batt_oc> Holdoff in ms of a negative overcurrent reading on the global input, uint32

The *SYS commands are for internal use and are not intended for end-users.

The output numbers are:

Num Output
0 H0
1 H1
2 L0
3 L1
4 L2
5 L3
6 5V Regulator

udev Rule

If you are connecting the Power Board to a Linux computer with udev, the following rule can be added in order to access the Power Board interface without root privileges:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1bda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0010", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0666"

It should be noted that plugdev can be changed to any Unix group of your preference.

This should only be necessary when trying to access the bootloader.


You can access the schematics and source code of the hardware in the following places.